Chapter Three

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Her POV-

It'd been two days since my run in with Louis, yet I couldn't get him out of my head. Something about him captivates me. I wanted to know him more. I decided that even though he scares me, I would get to know him. I mean, I thought I knew him in high school, but this sure wasn't the same Louis I was science partners with or sat by in math.

I sighed, getting up off the chair I was preciously sprawled out in. It was one of my days off and I decided I was going to be relaxing all day since if had quite the hectic scheduled week. Despite that fact that it was my day off, I still managed to wake up before noon. Which for me, it's very rare. I walked into the kitchen and started a tea, jumping up to sit on the countertop waiting for it to steep. Me and Lace got really lucky with the flat we live in, it's got an amazing view of the sky and of the town. I've always loved staring out at the storm clouds, or watching the sunset and sometimes sunrise. My phone buzzed on the coffee table, bringing me out of my thoughts. I lazily slipped off the counter, walking to go get it. I nearly dropped my phone when I saw the name that had popped up on my screen. It was from Louis. It said:

"Meet me at the coffee house at 3? x"

I looked up at the clock, seeing it was 2:30. He's asking me to hang out? I don't quite understand, or know what to say... I guess I could go for a coffee. Couldn't hurt to run into him right? I mean he did kind of save my butt the other night. I quickly type back,

"See you then."

I sent it, then paused. What had I just done? I shook my head, then quickly ran off to get ready and leave.

Fifteen minutes later and I was ready to go. I'd put on some makeup, and a simple attire of jean, a plain tee under my rain jacket, and rain boots. I yanked my hood over my hair and set off for the short walk to the coffee house. I always found rainy days so beautiful, the rain giving everything a new color and a shine to it. As I got to strip of shops, I noticed the amount of people on the sidewalks. Normally it was busy, yes, but never this busy. People were jammed onto the two, maybe three, person sidewalk, brushing past each other. Being of a fairly medium height, I hated being in crowds. It always seemed I was getting swallowed down below all the others. I pushed my headphones in my ears, playing music to distract from the business that sort of freaked me out. I spotted the coffee shop across the street and quickly made my way to the edge of the sidewalk, waiting for an empty moment in the traffic to run across. As a gap in the cars appeared, I jogged across the street. Though, I should've taken note of the slick roads and my awful coordination, because just as I was almost across the street I slipped and fell straight on my back, knocking the wind out of me and giving me quite the headache. I scrambled to get up as the next car was speeding towards me, honking as if I didn't see it there. I felt an arms around me, scooping under my legs and around my back and quickly carrying me out of the street. As soon as the feet of the person carrying me hit the sidewalk, the car zoomed by, nearly hitting us. I open my eyes, that I hadn't realized I'd closed, to see the one and only Louis kneeling in front of where he had sat me down, his blue eyes worried and looking straight into mine. I immediately feel heat running to my face, noticing the attention from not only him, but the entire audience surrounding us on the sidewalk. I start to stand up, and Louis automatically stood wrapping his arm around my waist helping me up. I muttered an embarrassed 'I'm fine' to the people staring at me as if I was an injured puppy. Truth is my stupid clumsiness was causing my back to ache incredibly, but I wasn't going to say that. I brushed off my pants, hoping I didn't look as awful as I was imagining I did. I look up at Louis and thank him, and breaking the silence.

"So, you didn't tell me you were a superhero." I joked, nudging him with my elbow as we walked into the surprisingly calm coffee shop. I thought it would be crazy busy, but I happily noticed it wasn't. He laughed, smiling down at his shoes.

"Well, I wouldn't go as far to say that."

I noticed his face fall a bit, as if it struck a memory he'd rather forget.

"Maybe you're my guardian angel."

As those words came out of my mouth I noticed how strangely safe I had come to feel around him, although I barely knew him. I feel as if he'd do anything to save me from getting hurt. I shook the thought, I must be going insane. I barely know him, but I feel as if I do indeed know him. He looked up at me, his eyes piercing mine, hurt showing in the pale blue before me.

"I'm afraid that if I'm an angel, I'm a fallen one at best."


Aww, Louis thinks he can only be a fallen angel :(
Anyways, I'm so sorry it's taken so long for me to update ! Thank you for all the comments and reads, I'll try to update again soon. x

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