First Time [15]

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(Alexandria pictured in the media)

Alexandria POV
It's Friday night and I'm supposed to be going by Erica tonight. Surprisingly she has been the best girlfriend ever and tonight I'm hoping that I can return the favor.

I packed a bunch of clothes in a bag to carry by her because I'm planning on staying by her place this whole weekend. A girls night in was the decision for tonight.

Erica and I have been going out a lot recently. Clubbing, getting high and drinking large amounts of alcohol.

Movies, pizza, champagne, popcorn and chocolate were scheduled for tonight and I was looking forward to a long, stress free weekend for a change. Away from Jasmine who has especially been giving me a lot of stress lately. She keeps on bothering me about us dating even though I heard that her and Meghan were trying things out. I won't let her get into my head though, I'm just going to focus on dance and Erica.

I walked into Erica's place - yes I have the key. The food was already there along with the treats and I brought the champagne.

"Hey Alex" said Erica leaning in kissing me.

Her lips just brushing mine. They were so soft and glistened I couldn't help but look at them.

We ate the tasty food with Erica often licking her lips, which caught my eye and sent little impulses to my private area lol. I wanted to just dive in and get lost in her soaking wet lips. After dinner we opened the second bottle of champagne and settled into Baby Boy and then Notorious BIG.

We enjoyed a lot of laughter and quite a few tears. When she saw me crying during the movie, Erica leaned in and moved my hand away from my tear soaked face. She used a napkin and dried my tears with her face just inches from mine. My mind froze and I honestly wasn't sure what to do. I was wondering if she was going to kiss me and to be honest, I kind of wanted her to kiss me.

I didn't know anything. I was lost and captivated by her.

She moved even closer to me and my heart began to beat a little bit faster and my breath shortened. I could tell she wanted me and I wanted her to take me. The dance of anticipation was in full drive, and I was just a willing passenger to where she was going to take me.

"You have very beautiful eyes baby", she spoke as she placed her hand on my leg.

I could feel the blood running through my body taking wanting feeling with it.

I now wanted her to kiss me, to feel her soft lips on mine. I wanted her to dive in and immerse herself in me. To take me to places I had never been.

Erica got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen.

"Want another drink?", she asked.

I was delighted and disappointed at the same time.

"Yes, yes please."

She topped up our glasses in the kitchen and it gave me time to breathe. To think. Are we really about to do this or am I just mistaking? Oh no. What if I'm mistaking. The thoughts ran wild in my head.

Erica came back to the living room and handed me my champagne glass. I put it on the table next to me but Erica took a big swig of hers.

"So where were we?", Erica said smiling. "Ah yes, I was about to kiss you."

Again I froze in fear. My heart almost stopped as she leaned in and kissed my lips. So soft, so tender, her tongue danced inside my mouth and her lips wandered around mine. Her hand cupped around my cheek as we were kissing.

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