Walk of Shame [20]

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(Alex pictured above)

Alexandria POV
"Good morning beautiful", Jasmine said walking in the bedroom.

"What time is it?"

"Lol 1 pm. You've been sleeping long"

"Oh shit"

When she said what time it was, I immediately put on my clothes to head back home.

"Where u going sweetheart?"

"I got to go home wtf"

"Why? your girl could wait"

I checked my phone and I had 10 missed calls and 15 messages from Erica wondering where I was. Shit shit shit is all I could think of.


"I just cheated on my girlfriend. Don't tell me what to do"

Jasmine at me in shock but tbh I was scared as hell. I picked up my belongings and ran out the door with hope that Erica won't fucking kill me when I get home.

The whole ride home I was thinking about a lie to make up but I couldn't think of anything. I felt awful because I know Erica would never cheat on me and I just broke her trust.

When I walked in the house, Erica was sitting on the couch with a lit blunt in her hand.

"Uhh hey baby", I said stuttering.

She just looked at me with disgrace in her eyes. She didn't say anything and Lord knows I didn't know what to say.

"Where the fuck you been?"

"Um well you see I kind of fell asleep at the after partying and I um-"

"You know what I'm gonna stop your right there because ne of my buddies actually saw you go inside her dorm. What did you go their to fuck her?"

"Baby I can explain"

Erica put out her blunt and started laughing at me.

"No need to explain baby girl. This actually works out perfectly"

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"I was starting to feel a bit guilty that I cheated on you a couple days ago but you did the same thing to me so we're even baby. No grudges"

"Excuse me?"

I was actually starting to get mad. Okay I understand I cheated on Erica but she did days before and by the sound of it she wasn't going to tell me if this didn't happen. She blew i off like it was nothing though and headed upstairs to our bedroom.

"So that's it?", I asked angrily. "Who the hell did you sleep with Erica?"

"We can all pretend like this never happened Alex. You don't have the right to be mad tbh, you cheated too and I met a girl at my club. I don't know her name"

"So what you slept with some whore is what you're saying"

"Basically haha"

I walked out the bedroom and slammed the door behind me. I honestly didn't know what to think about this situation. It was all the way fucked up and even though Erica doesn't know this but I'm actually starting to catch feelings for Jasmine. 

Erica came out the bedroom and walked behind me as I ran down the steps.

"Why you so mad?", she said rubbing on me. "I think it's good that we got the sex out the way yanno"

"Get off"

I pulled her hands off of me and sat down on the couch with my hand on my head thinking about this.

"Fine but you better not talk to that dyke bitch again"

"Or what Erica?"

"It's gonna be a fucking problem for her trust me on that"

Erica took a seat next to me on the couch but I just needed to think so I picked up my car keys and headed out the front door without saying goodbye. 

All night I drove up and down basically going in circles thinking to myself. 'Is this really what I want' and everytime the answer was no. It was getting pretty late, close to 10 at night. Despite my distress, I decided to hit up Jasmine.

"Hey sweetheart", Jasmine spoke in the phone.

I didn't respond. I just breathed in the phone because I didn't  know what to say to her>

"Alex?... Alexandria you there?"

"Yeah. Hey Jas"

"What's wrong", she asked. "You sound agitated is all"

"That's the thing Jasmine I don't know"

I sighed and layed back in my car parked by Walmart paking lot.

"Erica found out about last night and then she confessed to cheating on me. I got really angry so I left to go on a drive and I just kept thinking and thinking. I couldn't put the pieces together about anyhting but I really understand now", I explained

"What do you mean baby?"

"I think I'm in love with you Jasmine", I stuttered.

Jasmine chuckled in the phone with a sense of relief in her voice.

"I love you to Alex....I really do"




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