The New Boy

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I wake up to morning sun glaring through my window. I get out of bed and change into a black tank top with a white cardigan and skinny jeans. Grabbing my bag, I go into the kitchen to say goodbye to Dad before I leave.

"Hey Mione," Dad says, looking up from the newspaper. "You seem happy."

"Hey Dad. Good morning. I have to go, see you later," I say planting a kiss on his cheek before heading into the garage.
I pull into the school parking lot and get out of my car. My best friend, Madison, greets me.

"Hey! Did you hear about the new kid?" She asks, pulling me into a hug.

"No," I say, chuckling. " Who is it?"

"I don't know, but they are in our homeroom," she says.

"Come on, Mads.We better get to class," I say as the bell rings. I'm really curious about this new kid and wonder who it could be. You'd think I would know if their were any new faces in town.

" Hello class. Take your seats," my teacher, Ms. Fansel says. "Today we have a new student. Everyone, I'd like you to meet Colton Daniels. He just moved and I want you to try and make him feel welcome."

I crane my neck to get a good look at the new boy but I barely see him as he sits down. Homeroom goes by quickly and we all leave for our first class. I head to AP History and Mads heads to English.

First class goes by quickly. We are learning about World War II. I leave the room and walk to my locker. All of a sudden I run into something.

I fall backward slowly and then feel a hand on my waist.

"Are you okay?" A soft voice asks in a concerned tone.

I stand up and brush off my cardigan. " Yeah, thanks for catching me." I say looking to see who caught me.

I gasp at the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. They are electric blue and have swirls inside that look like swirling galaxies. I'm entranced by the beauty and mystery of this person's eyes. I tear my gaze away from them to see a tall boy with blond hair that sweeps right above his eyebrows. He has an athletic build and is really quite good looking.

" Hi. I'm Mione," I say after a few minutes.

"I'm Colton," the boy says," I just moved here. Do you know where the AP English room is?"

"Yeah. I'm heading their now. Follow me," I say. We walk in silence and  enter the room just on time.

I take my seat and Colton sits in the back of the room. Throughout my favorite class, I'm distracted. I keep sneaking glances at the back of the room and can barely concentrate.

I leave the room and head to lunch. Soon I find Mads.

"The new boy is HOT!" She says as we sit down. I smile.

"Yeah, I guess," I say. Just then Brodie, Madison's boyfriend, joins us.

"Hey babe. How it going?" He says placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Great! How are you," she smiles, putting her head on his shoulder.

"Good. Do you wanna hang out tonight?"

"Sure," Madison giggles.

I smile at the two of them. They make such a cute couple. I have never had a boyfriend and that sucks since I'm sixteen.

" Hey M, are you still there?" Mads says waving a hand in front of my face. I nod not realizing I was daydreaming.

"Are you excited for the movie night here at school?" Brodie asks me.

"I guess. I don't know if I'll be there," I answer.

"Oh, you have to come. It'll be fun!" Mads says giving me a pouty face.

"Okay I might," I say.

I say goodbye to the two and leave to read my book. I sit underneath a towering tree and as I'm about to start reading, Colton appears.

" Hey how are you?" He asks a grin forming on his face.

"Good," I answer.

"That's good. Are you busy this weekend?"

"Yeah," I lie. I barely know this guy what does he think he's doing? 

"Oh. Well if you have some free time call me."

I don't have his number. The rest of the school day is slow. I get into my car at the end of the day to see Colton on a motorcycle, whizzing out of the parking lot. I pull out of the parking lot myself and make a mental note not to hang around him. He's probably a bad boy or something.

I drive to the library and realize that Colton's bike is here too. I shrug and head inside to get started on homework. After I'm done with my math homework I take a break to walk around. I turn a corner to go into a bother row if books and see Colton. He's on a phone.

"Look, I'm trying to be normal. I found the target but she won't let me talk to her. I'll keep an eye on her and report of anything goes wrong." He whispers.

What could he be talking about? Who is this girl? What is the target? Why is he trying to be "normal'?

I slip away and grab my stack of books. I head out of the library and sit in my car. As I'm fastening my seatbelt, I see something in my mirror. More like a someone. A strange, shady figure stands across the street staring directly at me.

" Hey," a voice says making me jump.

It's Colton. "Hi," I say putting on a smile. " What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just wanted to say hi. See you tomorrow," he says waving. I nod back and start my car. He's already in the street on his bike.

Just as my foot is about to hit the gas pedal something lands on my car. My car starts shaking and I know something heavy is on the roof. I scream as a black, deformed hand burst though the glass on my window.

"Mione! Are you okay?" I hear before everything goes black.

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