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I slowly open my eyes. A blur leans over me. As my eyes focus I see a boy. It's Colton.

"Thank god. You're okay!" He says clearly relieved. "Seriously! You can't scare me like that!"

I try to sit up. A jolt of pain goes through my body. I whimper.

"Careful. Sit up slowly," he says helping me sit up.

"Thanks," I whisper," what happened?"

" You don't remember? You went out cold and I've tried to wake you up for the last half hour."

" I don't remember," I lie, though the picture is vivid in my head." I need to get home."

I stand up and suddenly go dizzy. I grab onto Colton for support.

"You aren't driving anywhere," he says." I'll drive you home."

I nod, knowing he's right. I go around the car and get into the passenger side. I fasten my seatbelt. Colton starts the car and backs up.

"Thanks for driving me home," I say.

"No problem," he says, not taking his eyes off the road. I turn on the radio to break the silence

My youth is yours, run away now and forevermore.

I lean back. My head aches and I take a note to take Advil when I get home. Colton seems upset. I don't know why.

"Why are you upset?" I ask, surprised I let this escape my lips.

" I'm not!" He protests.

"You are, I see it on your face," I say.

"You can't scare me like that! You weren't waking up. I was about to call the ambulance!" He says looking at me for the first time.

"But you barely know me," I whisper.

"That doesn't mean that I can't care," Colton says.

"Turn here," I say as we near my driveway.

He turns and pulls the car in front of the house. I get out and so does Colton. I walk up to the front door and Dad opens it.

"Where have you been?" He asks. He seems upset at me.

"I hit my head and Colton here helped me get home," I say gesturing at Colton. He waves shyly.

" Well get in here. You too young man," Dad grumbles.

"No thank you sir. I better head home. Get better Mione," he says as he walks away. I don't know how he will get back to the library but it's not far. He will probably just walk.

"You need to be careful!" Dad says, as he starts examining me. He's a doctor and a great one too. "You have a slight concussion. No school tomorrow. And we will talk about why you didn't call later. Go eat and then go to bed."

I obey and heat up some spaghetti. I know I scared Dad. Especially since Mommy died in that car accident when I was twelve.

Soon I'm able to go to sleep. I take an Advil and check my phone. I have a text from Madison.

Mads: R u ok?
Me: ya no school tomorrow ttyl.

I shut off my phone and go to sleep.

It's dark and I don't see anything. All of a sudden I see a girl. She looks about 6 and is playing dolls. All of a sudden, a clawed hand grabs at the girl. It swipes near her but she sees nothing. She only continues playing. I turn around and Colton is there. He's dressed up in a suit. He looks at me with those blue eyes and a sad manner.
"You never saw it but it was always there. It's always you."

I jolt awake. What was that dream. All of a sudden my head starts to pound and I remember what happened that day. I look at my alarm clock. 1:30 it reads.

I slowly get out of bed and go into the bathroom. I splash my face with cold water and look at myself in the mirror. I'm ordinary. My chocolate brown eyes stare at me, tiredly, and my long brown hair is falling out of its braid.

I turn and go back to bed. I pray that there are no more nightmares. It takes a little while but I finally fall back into a fitful sleep but it's dreamless.

I awaken late in the morning. I look at my clock and it says 10:04. I really slept in. I take a quick shower and go into the the living room to watch TV. After a while, I make lunch and attempt at my homework. It doesn't take long before I quit.

I go into my phone later and realize I have a text from Madison.

Mads:Well get better! I'll call tonight.

I smile. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. I look out my window to see Colton. I know I ought to let him in but I run into my room to change into a white tee shirt and denim shorts.

I hear the knock again and run to open it.

"Hey," I say. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey. Just checking to make sure you are ok," he says leaning against the doorway.

"Okay then," I say. I'm about to shut the door when I do something I never would have."Do you want to come in?"

"Sure," he says a surprised look on his face. He walks in and we sit on the couch.

"I know you don't have plans this weekend," Colton says, a smile spreading on his face. I never noticed the dimple in his left cheek.

"Yeah, I don't," I say shyly.

"Do you want to hang out at the beach?" He asks all of a sudden.

I don't know how to answer. It sounds fun I guess. I love the beach, especially here in San Francisco.

"Sure. Can I bring a few friends?" I say.

"Yeah no prob," Colton says. " Hey I gotta go. I'll talk with you later."

"Okay bye," I give a quick wave at him before he goes.

" Wait!" He stops at the door." Can I have your number?"

"Yeah," I say handing him my phone so he can put his in.

"Bye!" I call from the door way.

I turn around shutting the door behind me. What had I just done?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note
Hey guys. Please read and comment on this book. I'll try to update as often as possible and I know you are going to like the next chapter. Don't be a silent reader. Comment your thoughts.

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