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I look out from my balcony. The sky is a bright indigo and the two moons shine.

I've been on this planet for almost an earth year. I think I love it more that earth! The war is almost over and the Loganiajes(Colton's race) have won!

I realize I shouldn't call him Colton anymore. He is the prince and future king, Kaiba.

Kaiba walks up to me and puts his arm around my waist giving me a squeeze.

"Mione." He says.

"Yes?" I say softly kissing him.

"You look lovely. I'm so happy to have you here with me." He says.

Then he's kissing me with intensity. I kiss him back.  He moves down my neck and I groan with pleasure.

He pulls back.

"That is not what I came here to do." He says.

I smile.

" Mione, we've known each other for a while now. And have been dating for a year." He says shyly.

"I know. I was there." I say teasingly.

"Well I... I want you to be my wife. I want you to me mine and for me to be yours. I love you!" He says.

It takes me a minute to process this. Ok silent for a good few minutes.

"Mione? I'm sorry I shouldn't have sprung this on you." He says quickly.

"Of course!" I say.

"Really?" His eyes light up.

"Yes!" I say pulling him in for a kiss.

It's been years since that. Now Kaiba and I are the king and queen. We have a little princess named Victori after Kaiba's mother and a boy named Jonathon after my father.

We don't live happily ever after but we're close to it.

I was lucky to meet this man who is now my husband. He was truly a gift from the stars.

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