A Secret

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It's been days since the beach. I've seen him in the halls at school and once at the library. Whenever he sees me, he turns and walks away. I don't understand.

"Hon, you gotta talk to him!" Madison says one day.

"I know," I say as we see him outside. He's playing soccer, a huge smile on his face.

"Go!" she says pushing me towards Colton.

I walk up to him, making sure that my anger shows on my face. "Colton!We need to talk!" I say forcefully.

"What about?" he asks as if nothing happened.

"You can't avoid me forever. You need to tell me if it meant anything!"

He looks uncomfortable. "Fine! It did, but I can't get close to you. There's a side of me that I don't want you to see." he says honestly.

"Why? What's in your past that you don't want me to know. I don't care if it puts me in danger." I  protest.

"You would. It was always you."

I suddenly have a flashback to the dream the other night. He said the exact same thing.

"What?" I ask.

"Meet me at the park tonight. I have something to tell you." he says, walking back to his game.


I walk into the park. The cool night air chills me. Colton sits on a bench under a tree. I go sit beside him.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask sternly.

"I'll tell you my secret, but you can't tell anybody." he says, looking at me with sad eyes.

"Okay," I nod.

"I'm not from this world.Or this galaxy even," he says.

I laugh. "Really! You expect me to believe you! You aren't an 'alien.'"

"I am," he says. His expression is serious.

"Fine. Prove it!" I challenge.

"Okay," he says. "Follow me."

He leads me out of the park and down the street. We walk a little ways and end up at a huge house. It is white and at least three stories.

He takes me inside and leads me into what I would guess is his room. He gestures for me to sit. I do.

  Then he starts lifting his shirt.

"Whoa! Stop right there!" I say.

"Just wait," he says tossing his shirt on the bed. A strange mark like a burn is in his skin. It  winds up his back.

"This is the mark of my race," he says.

Without meaning to, I touch the mark. He grimaces as if it burns. I can feel the muscle underneath the mark.

"When did you get here?" I ask.

" About a year ago. I've been looking for a girl who has some of our DNA inside her. I have a feeling it's you," he says turning away from me.

"Why?" I ask.

"I can't say."

We sit in silence. The room is dark and soft music comes in from somewhere else. I don't know what to say.

"I...I'd better get home." I say.

"I'll walk you." he says.

We walk silently. The breeze is cold. I shiver slightly. Colton looks down at me but says nothing.

My cell begins ringing. It's Dad.

"Hello," I say.

"Hey Mione, I'm staying late at work so eat dinner without me." Dad says.

"Okay. Bye." I end the call.

We arrive at my house.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" I ask.

"Sure," Colton answers.

I begin cooking burritos. I put them in the oven. I'm cutting tomatoes when I cut my finger.

"Shoot!" I say.

"Are you okay?" Colton asks.

I nod and go into the bathroom to get a bandage.

I come back out and Colton is looking at the pictures on the walls. He seems interested in one of my mom and me.

"That's my mom. She died in a car crash," I say.

"You look exactly like her." He says looking at me.

"So, no evil scientists are trying to find you right?" I ask teasingly.

"No," He answers a teasing smile erupting on his face.

I laugh. Then the oven beeps. I take the burritos out and put one on a plate for me and one for Colton.
I take them to the table and we begin eating.

"Wait you got a little something," Colton says, wiping his finger on my cheek right near my lip. I smile.

Then I look behind him.  A black figure hunches in my backyard. My eyes widen.

Colton looks behind him. "They're here."

"What? Who?" I ask.

"Just go into your room, lock your door and close the curtains. I'll lead them away." he says planting a kiss on my forehead. I nod.

I do as he says and hear the front door shut. I change into pajamas and go to sleep. It's hard but I finally fall into a fitful sleep. I toss and turn, nightmares greeting me. What would happen to Colton? Who was that outside my house?

I wake up and it's storming outside. I turn on my phone and have a text from Colton.

"Stay home today."

I guess it would be smart to do as he says but I don't. I shower and change and go to my car. I start it and head to school. I'm on my driveway and a figure jumps in front of me. I swerve and hit my head. My car stops and I look up. A figure leans over me. Then everything is black.


Author's Note

I had so much fun writing this chapter. Tell me what you think please.
Sorry this chapter is shorter than the others. I had total writers block at first.


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