The Beach

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"Hey do you want to come to the beach with me?" I ask as Madison picks up the phone.

"Sure. Can Brodie come?" She answers.

"Yeah. Also Colton is going to be there too," I say.

"No way!The new boy? Wait to go girl!" Mads says into the phone.

"Not like that!" I protest and feel my cheeks getting red.

" Okay. I have to go. See you tomorrow!" Madison says.


I open my eyes to the sunlight pouring through my window. I get ready for school quickly. Dad is at the hospital so I grab my keys and head to school early.

I get there when there are only a few cars in the parking lot. I pull out my book and begin reading. Before long, cars start to fill the parking lot and as I see Brodie's car pull in I get out of my own.

"Hey! What's up?" I ask a Madison gets out.

"Nothing much," she says wrapping me in a quick hug. " I can't believe you got asked out by Colton!"

"I wasn't asked out. It's just a hangout. He needs some friends." I say.

"Okay." Mads doesn't think so. We head to class.

When it's finally time to go to English I'm excited. I save a seat for Colton and wave as he walks in. He doesn't see me and sits in the back of the class.

Weird. I think to myself.

"Class we will be reading any book you want as long as it's a mystery." Our teacher says." Then you will write a 5 page book report on it."

Everyone groans at this. I for one am excited. I love mystery novels.

The bell rings and as we leave class I try to find Colton.

"Hey. Why didn't you sit by me? I saved you a seat." I say as I find him.

"I didn't want to. Sorry. I'll see you at the beach tomorrow." With that he runs off leaving me standing alone.

I go to find Madison. She is hanging out with Brodie so I leave them alone. I spend the rest of my classes puzzled at why Colton was avoiding me.

As my final class ends, I head out to my car. I leave and head home.

"Hey Dad!" I say laying my bag on the couch. "I'm glib to the beach tomorrow with some friends. I'll be home after dinner."

"Okay," Dad says.

I heat up some oven bake pizza for dinner and start on homework. I have my math completed by the time the pizzas are done. Dad and I eat in silence and I tell him goodnight before slipping into my room.

I wake up early and get ready for the beach. Over my swimsuit I wear a blue tank top and shorts. My hair is loose. I grab my bag that has sunscreen, towel, book, wallet and phone in it and head out to my car. I then drive to the beach to meet everyone.

Nobody is there yet so I wait in my car and listen to the radio. Soon everyone arrives.

"Hey! Let's go for a hike!" Brodie says. Everyone agrees and we head out to find the waterfalls.

"So Colton how do you like it here?" Madison asks.

"I like it. It's much warmer here than Minnesota. I really enjoy the beach." He says politely.

I nod and have to say I agree with him. We start walking on a wet rock and I slip. Colton steadies me.

"Careful. Wouldn't want you to fall," He says with a teasing smile.

I feel my cheeks getting warm. "Thanks."

"Take my hand and I'll help you through here. We better catch up to those two." He says holding out his hand for me to take.

I nod gratefully and follow him through the rocks. We soon catch up to Brodie and Madison. They are sitting on a large rock and staring at the waterfalls. They laugh about something. I feel a pang on my chest and for the first time in my life realize I'm kinda jealous of their relationship.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Colton says in awe.

"Yeah," I agree.

We all stand and watch the waterfalls trickle. Then we realize we are hungry and hike back to the beach to eat a lunch of sandwiches and apples. After we were fine we just relaxed and messed around until the sun began setting.

"Hey Mione, come on." Colton said leading me to the dock. The other two are laying in the sand together. We stop at the end and watched as the sun lowers.

"Look Mione, I'm sorry I avoided you. There's something about me that I don't want you to know. I don't want you to be in danger." Colton says .

"Okay," I say." I'm fine really."

"I know," he says smiling. That dimple appears.

I shiver a little as the breeze chills me. I can smell the salt off the water.

"Are you cold?" Colton says wrapping his arm around me.

"Yeah," I say. I nudge in closer to him. He smells like coffee and sea water. I look up at him. His eyes are a darker shade it seems and his face is in wonder as the sky casts shades of colors. Everything is wonderful. You can hear the water splashing on the sand and see the bonfire that we created.

"We'd better get back." I say.

Suddenly, Colton's hand cups my cheek. I stare at him, my eyes widening. I know what he's doing and don't try to stop him. He bends down and his lips connect with mine. I let him. I gasp. He holds me close and our kiss continues. He makes a sound like a purr.

"You know that knowing me is unsafe right?" He says taking a breath.

"No, but even if it is I don't care," I say back.

He breaks apart from me. I look at him confused.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine. I can't put you in danger. I'm sorry!" With that he turns and runs to his bike. He leaves.

I walk back towards Madison, tears threatening to stream down my face. I don't know what I did wrong but he was trying to let me in and push me away at the same time. I needed to find out why. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Authors Note:

I hope you liked this chapter. I have so many feels! I'll try to post the next chapter tomorrow. Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts!

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