Secrets Shared

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I don't remember falling asleep but I must have at some point. The thing is, I'm not at home. I'm in a car. I bolt up.

"Whoa. It's alright. We're almost to your house." Colton looks at me teasingly.

So I had only closed my eyes for a second. That's a relief.

"Oh okay."

We sit in silence. City lights flash in my eyes. His eyes are illuminated. He looks young and fragile, but I know that's not the case.

He turns unexpectedly towards a forest of tall trees.

"What are you doing?" I ask. Dad will be worried.

He stays silent and once we are hidden from the road, he stops the car. I get out as he does.

"What are you doing?" I repeat my question.

"Watch," He says, simply.

Suddenly his hand is projecting a blue light. Gold streams of something appear and there is suddenly a beautiful patch of flowers in front of us. They are all a midnight blue and fireflies illuminate them.

"H...How did you do that?" I stutter in awe.

"It's a gift. I don't know if halfborns can do it or not," he says.

"What's a halfborn?" I ask confused at this term.

He looks at me with sad eyes. "People like you. Someone who is part of another race. My... people think they are dangerous."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because they are," he says sitting down. I sit beside him. "You're the first one I've met but there have been others. When the halfborn turns seventeen, they realize their power. It can cause danger and destroy. Most people of my race can create like I can but the halfborns are of opposite nature. They can't control their abilities so it controls them."

I take time to process this.

"My seventeenth birthday is next week," I whisper, realizing how dangerous this will be.

He looks at me. "Then you have to come with me. I know there is somebody who can help you learn to control your abilities."

"And where is that? I'm not leaving my home behind." I retort.

He looks at me with no anger on his face. Only sadness.

We sit there under the stars. Gazing at their magnificance.

I look at him."Do you ever miss your home?" I whisper.

"No. War rages on there. I was lucky. I went to an academy where I was trained in science and weaponry. If I hadn't been sent here, I would be fighting there."

"Oh," I say. It's really dark and it must be past midnight.

As if reading my mind, Colton says,"I'll get you home. It's late."

I nod and we stand up. We get into the car with the windows rolled down. Colton drives and the breeze blows my hair behind me making me smile.

I shut my eyes and after a little bit we are at my house.

As I'm getting out, Colton grabs my hand.

"Hey Mione. Will you go to the dance with me on Tuesday?" He asks shyly.

"Yes," I say and turn to go back to the house.

Dad is asleep and I go into my room. I can't get to sleep. So many things happened today.


I sit on the beach. Colton is playing soccer with a bunch of boys. He has a huge smile on his perfect face.

He sees me and walks over. He take my hand and leads me to a group of trees away from everything. Suddenly there is no one on the beach. We are alone.

He takes my cheek in his hand and pulls me close. His lips connect with mine in a rough kiss. I greet them. He draws back.

"What's wrong?" I whisper.

"I'm sorry. I can't go against a mission." He says.

I feel a pain in my side. I look down to see something that looks like a knife imbedded into my skin. I want to scream but no sound comes out.

"I still love you," Colton says with a tear stained face as I fall into darkness, a limp figure in his arms.


I jolt awake. My eyes are puffy from tears. Light steams through my window.

I look at my phone to see a missed call.  It's Mads telling me to come to the hospital.

I shower and change. I grab my keys and drive down to the hospital.

As I enter, I see Dad.

"Hey. What're you doing here?" He asks.

"I'm visiting Madison," I explain.

"Tell her I said hi."

I nod and head through the halls to Madison's room. I enter to see her pale figure laying down.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi. So I have something to tell you and I don't want you to freak out." She says looking into my eyes."I've been diagnosed with Heart Failure." She says with tears in her eyes.

Tears are in mine to.

"I'm so sorry! What can I do to help?" I ask as a tear falls.

"Nothing," she says. She's crying now.

I hug her. She sobs into my shoulder. Brodie comes into the room abruptly.

Upon seeing us his eyes widen. "What's wrong?" He asks.

Madison explains the news to him. He stays silent, a sad look in his eyes. We sit with her for a long while talking but have to leave so the doctor can take her for another test.

Brodie pulls me outside into a dark hallway.

"Look, Mione," he begins," we have to stay strong for her sake."

"I know." I say.

He nods at this and we leave.

I head home. I want to research everything I can so I know how to help. Sadly in my brain I know I can't help her. I just have to leave her.

I begin making dinner when my phone buzzes. It's Colton.

I don't bother to read it. I don't care. I put my phone down in the counter and cook dinner. Dad comes home and we eat in silence. It's the best we can do.
Authors Note:
Hey guys. This is the last update for a while. I'm going on a week long field trip to California. We leave Sunday. Sorry. Please tell me what you think and don't forget to vote.

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