When the Angels Softly Cry

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This chapter starts out with a conversation between Patrick and Pete; Patrick speaks first.


"Yes, I just watched two bees have sex."

"You don't think that's a little weird?"

"No, its interesting."

"Well, I'm sure there are other, more interesting things going on outside. Things other than the procreation of an indicator insect."

"Of course there are. I just happened to find that to be the most engrossing thing at the moment," I sigh as I bring the straw of my styrofoam cup up to my lips to sip on my Dr. Pepper. Pete imitates the action with his own cup, Pepsi flowing through his straw.

He smiles at me once he removes the straw from his mouth. Its a fake, overly exaggerated smile-all teeth- but you can tell that he is happy with the situation. I am as well.

We're sitting outside, under the cherry blossom tree that Ryan and I sat under when I was first allowed outside, on a blanket. We're having a picnic. There's a special cheesy affect, because the cherry blossoms are falling off the tree in a shimmering rain. The bees are buzzing around us, and the light filtering through the tree is absolutely breathtaking.

Everything about my current position is absolutely

Not to mention Pete. Heck, if I thought Pete was beautiful before, he's absolutely seraphic at the moment.

He's wearing a plain white T-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. Its so simple, but Pete could make anything look aesthetically pleasing, as debonair as he is.

The way the light is playing tricks through his hair, and his eyes. Pete's eyes are definitely one of my favorite things about him. Honey colored and flaked with gold around the pupil, his eyes could put on their own festival of lights.

He shoots me a weird look, and I scrunch up my nose and stick out my tongue. Pete chuckles, sipping again on his Pepsi.

"What," I ask, curious as to why he's laughing. Is it me? Did I do something stupid?

"Nothing," he draws the word out, and gives me a sly look with it. I narrow my eyes at him.

"No," I draw the word out, whining. "Tell me!"

Pete chuckles again. "You are just too damn cute. I swear that has to be illegal."

I giggle at that. Pete is perfect. I look down to my thin, frail hands, and then up at that the clouds floating through the sky.

Suddenly Pete is on top of me. He's kissing me. I return the favor, closing my eyes.

When I open them, Pete is no longer there. I'm not outside. I'm not warm, either. It was a dream. I'm in a cold sweat, in my bed, void of any human contact. It's still dark. The machines around me seem to be all I have.

I know that seems kind of dramatic, but every time I wake up, no one is even near me. The only sound I hear is the beeping from all my monitors.

I wish Ryan or Pete would wake me up when they are in here. I need to hear another voice, to know that the apocalypse hasn't started and I'm not the only person left.

I'm can't live like this, only seeing fifteen to twenty minutes of sunlight. Everything else I see are either a dream, or the dark pastels of night and early morning. I hate this new world of navy blues and deep purples.

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