Fickle Love (Brother's Shadow)

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Brother's Shadow

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Brother's Shadow

To my surprise, she did come that night of my daughter's party. Everyone seemed pretty delighted to see her as well. Just like me, it felt like they haven't seen her all these years and started an endless conversation about how her life was. This and that topic and so on. We barely had time to talk. I just greeted her and she gave a birthday present before my mom took her somewhere out of my sight.

I recall that my mom used to adore her. That was the time when Shizuka wasn't born, yet she always dreamed of having a daughter but had two sons...unfortunately. When the 4 of us played together at home, mom would often watch over her and pamper her. She was very fond of Nagi, until now, I think.

I was bringing out some refreshments when I finally got the chance to go to her. Now she was with my dad, talking about her business.

"*Touchan, uncle's looking for you," I cut in.

"Oh, right! I was suppose to discuss something with him. Excuse me, Nagi... I'll get back to you once I'm done there,"he excused and went to my uncle.

"I can't believe you're talking to touchan" I told her in a low voice, glancing to where dad was, hoping he wasn't listening.

"Why not? Give him a break," she chuckled.

"Everyone's waiting to have your attention," I noticed.

"Eh? Having regrets on inviting me over?" she snapped, crossing her arms and raising an eye to me.

"Getting too sensitive now, aren't we?" I retorted with a tease and she just laughed.

"Don't worry, I was about to leave anyway,"

"What?" I pardoned. "Leaving already?"

She nodded, giving a sympathetic look. "Sorry... I forgot Taka was coming home today. It's seldom that he comes home. He stays in an apartment now and just visits us from time to time. He was a bit worried about me being alone since our parents went out on a holiday trip... if he arrives home and finds out I'm not there... so..." she clarified.

"He should really find a girl so he won't be so focused on watching over you," I suggested out of nowhere.

"Exactly,"she agreed. "Anyway, thanks for having me here. I had fun, but  Ireally need to go."

"Okay, I understand. Wait, let me just take this back to the kitchen and I'll accompany you outside," I said, taking some empty soda cans.

"Oh, you don't have to. I'm okay," she got back quickly.

"Eh? You sure?"

"Yeah, I can find my way out. Don't oblige yourself. You have other visitors to attend to."

I really appreciate how she tries not become a hassle to anyone, yet she always keeps this innocent expression which makes people see her as a little girl who needs attending to. Anyway, I didn't want to contradict so I let her be.

As she made her way out, I continued tidying up when I noticed someone's handkerchief on the sofa. Immediately, I recalled that it was Nagi's.

"Dear," Eiko came up to be suddenly which made me jump a bit.

"Oh?" I reacted and turned to her. She just looked at me awkwardly and handed out a plate with a slice of cake.

"For a moment,"I told her and showed her the handkerchief. "I'm just going to return this to Nagi," I excused myself.

"Nishioka?" she pardoned.

"I'll be back right away."

And with that, I rushed my way out. As I got out, I stopped and felt relieved as I saw that Nagi had not completely gone far. In fact, she was just standing a few meters away from the gate and was talking to none other than my younger brother.


Both of them had smiles on their faces and seemed to be talking casually. She had this nonchalant attitude towards him and he seemed to be enjoying their reunion. I do admit that among the two of us, he was probably closer to her. First, they were just about the same age and were classmates in high school. Second, both our families often teased them during the days. Although Shuji never said anything if he felt something for her, I'm sure now's not the time for him to be reconsidering it. I mean... he's now married too. He's been married to Rina for 4 years now.

So why am I suddenly having these feelings again?

 These feelings of insecurity towards Shuji being with Nagi.

(*Touchan - Father)

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