The Ride

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"Oh. Hey," Andy said quickly taking his arms off me.

I sat up too.

"What's this?" Juliet questioned while she crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

"She needs a ride home, long story short, she got hurt and her dumb ass boyfriend left her," Andy explained.

"Uh, yeah.", I murmured quietly avoiding all eye contact.

"Can't you just like, call a cab?", Juliet asked sounding annoyed.

"My phone died,"

"It's okay where not calling a cab,"Andy said looking over at Juliet with an annoyed expression.

"I'm just going to drive her home and then I'll come back," Andy explained.

Juliet looked pissed off.

"Fine,"she said, "But I'm coming too,"

Oh wow. This will be awkward. I wish my phone was working I would have just called a cab. I feel bad though, I don't want to get in the middle of Andy and Juliet's relationship. Andy walked over and picked me up bridal style.

"She can walk!", Juliet complained.

"She banged her knee pretty bad Jules,"

"Ugh" was the only thing she said.


Somehow we made it to the car but a lot of fans came up to Andy and Juliet while I just hid my face in Andy's chest, and damn that chest is muscular. Now I'm in the Black Veil Brides tour bus, but it's only Andy, Juliet and I. I told Andy my address and excused myself to the bathroom.

Oh this is really, really awkward. Juliet HATES me. I splashed some cool water on my face and slowly limped my way back to the front. I was just about to go where Andy and Juliet were, but I heard them talking.

"Lots of your fans get hurt and you don't stop the show to play super hero, why did you help her?"

I heard Juliet question.

"Because she got hurt helping me!", Andy almost yelled.

"I was starting out In The End and I fell off the stage and she caught me, but got hurt herself. A whole bunch of people started crowding around us and she freaked out because she is claustrophobic, so I brought her back stage to ice her knee. Her boyfriend flipped out with jealousy and left her here,"

There was a long pause and I considered walking in, but then Juliet finally spoke.

"Why did you call her beautiful?"

"Because her boyfriend rudely dumped her and I was just trying to cheer her up!Why do you care so much!" Andy continued, "Are you jealous? She's just some random fan that I felt bad for."

Wow. That kinda hurt. I limped over to one of the couches and just sat there. What did you expect Kat? For him to fall in love with you of all people when he has a girlfriend?! Ugh I'm stupid.

"We're here.", Andy finally spoke, breaking the silence.

I limped back to the front.

"Thanks Andy, sorry if I made you upset Juliet," I apologized and quickly walked out.

Ugh that must have been one of the most embarrassing and uncomfortable days of my life.

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