The Rose and The Letter

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"Kat get up and feed you're fucking brother!" my father shouted.

Ugh. I got up and brushed my teeth. I slowly looked in the mirror. Damn I look horrible. Cuts run up and down my wrist. there are trails of bruises on my arms and legs. I even have a black eye. I quickly covered it up with concealer, but ended up using a good half of the container.

"Kat!", my father yelled again.

"I'm coming!", I yelled.

I threw on a sweater and ran downstairs.

"What do you want for breakfast Rodney?" I asked my little brother.

"Can I have a bagel and an egg sunny side up?" he asked sweetly.

"Someone is hungry!" I laughed while popping a bagel in the toaster and buttering a pan.

The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!", I explained.

I went to open it, but no one was there. I looked down and saw a rose and an envelope with my name on it.

"Who was it?", my father asked while walking into the kitchen.

I quickly put the letter and flower behind my back. My finger was pricked by one of the thorns in the process.

"Oh, um probably some kids playing ding dong ditch".

I quickly took off to go upstairs but he stopped me.

"The next time I call you I want you to come down here immediately don't make me wait," he snarled.

"Maybe I wouldn't take so long if I didn't have cover the bruises you gave me," I said back.

I knew this wouldn't end well, but I'm so tired of his bullshit.

"You will NOT disrespect me, you came home late last night and that's not okay with me!" he yelled.

"I was 30 minutes early!" I yelled back.

"Not according to my watch!"

"You don't wear a watch!", I nearly cried.

"Don't tell me what to do!" he slurred.

Wow. My father is drunk at this time in the morning. That's a new record for him. I just ran to my room and locked the door while he continued yelling.
I looked down at my arms and saw all the cuts. I won't let him get to me anymore. I sat down and opened the letter. It read

'Dear KC,

I'm sorry, I'm not really sure what your name is. Anway, I'd like to apologize for the other day. Juliet has jealousy issues from previous relationships. I'd also like to thank you for saving me from a bruiser the other day. How is your knee doing? I hope all is well. I would love to see you again before I leave town. If you would like to text or call me, my number is 743-231-7789.

Yours Truly,
Andy Biersack'

Wow. That was very kind of him. I just don't think I could bring myself to call him, not after what he said to Juliet. I am not just some girl. I will NOT let myself be walked on again. I should probably call Elena and catch her up with everything.

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