The Opportunity Of A Lifetime

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Sunlight poured into the room.

"What the?" I yell as some idiot had woken me from my sleep.

Daniel. I threw a pillow over my face.

"Daniel if you don't want to be castrated, I suggest you leave and let me sleep.", I say calmly to him.

"Fiesty," he laughed and sat on the bed next to me.

"Please please pleaseee go away," I groaned.

"Nope, my house my rules,"

I laugh. "More like, your apartment your rules,"

He snickered, "Come onn, I made breakfast and Luby is here."

"Who's Luby?"

"My girlfrienddd," he said.

Ugh good thing he couldn't see my face, I probably look like the lochnas monster.

"I'll get up but you have to leave so that you don't see my face," he sighs and leaves.

That was easy. I got up and went to the bathroom, I peed , washed my face and brushed my teeth. I was walking over to meet Luby when I heard my phone ringing. I ran to the room to get it.

"Hello?", I ask, having no clue who it was.

"KC?!?", someone asks/yells.

"Uhh. Sorry, you have the wrong number," I apologize.

I was about to hang up.

"Wait!, it's Andy,"

"Andy?!?", I question loudly, "How did you get my number and what do you want?"

I was excited at first, but then I remember what he said. My tone became attitudey and snippy.

"I just talk to you,"

"That's not what you said to Juliet!"

"What are you talking about?", he asks as if he really has no idea.

"You seriously don't know?.. The day you and Juliet were driving me home, I had just come back from the bathroom and I heard you two talking. You said you didn't care about me, I was just a fan," I murmur sadly.

"We'll you know how to hold a grudge!", Andy says playfully.

"It's not even funny, just fuck off!"

"Wait, wait your cousin want to talk to you!"

Yeah, did I forget to mention CC was my cousin?

"What do you want Christain?", I ask knowing he had been put on the phone.

"Hey, Kat! Long time ay?"

"Yes, now what could you possibly want?"

"I heard from my Mom what happened. You have like no money Kat, Why don't you come stay with us? You can tour with us and live the life. You're an amazing singer we could probably cook together a song with you in it since Andy is writing a new album.", he practically begs.

Wow, I totally didn't see that coming, but I can't really turn down this opportunity I mean, I'm staying with the brother of a rapist for God's sake! I know I haven't talked to CC in a long time, but I need to do this. A new start. I sigh.

"Fine, where are you guys?", I ask kind of annoyed.

"Albany, New York.", CC answered.

"No way! I am in New York too, but I'm in the city. I could get a taxi there,"

"See ya soon cuz," CC says.


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