What I Have To Do

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"I can't do this anymore" I whisper to myself.

"My bestfriend is a dimwit slut, my father is an alcoholic dick, my ex is douchebag"

I scream in frustration.

"And, and Patrick. I can't it's all too traumatizing"

I let out another scream. I have to leave, and I have the perfect plan on how to do it.


"Hey Rodney, Aunt Jessi just called. She wants us to go visit for a few days, pack your stuff I'll take you there," I say loud enough for my father to hear too.

The only part he doesn't know is that I'm leaving too, just not with Rodney. I knew I couldn't leave Rodney with my father, so I told Aunt Jessi my plan on going on my own. Being my mother's sister, she wasn't necessarily happy about it, but she was glad that I'm getting out of here. She said she'll take care of Rodney for me until whenever I choose to return. I have $800 that I saved from my job, the rest of my money was to pay the bills because my father didn't. Aunt Jessi matched my $800 so I have $1600 to start me off. I will probably stay at a hotel until I get a job and can afford an apartment, the security deposit, food and bills and wow this will be hard, but it's what I HAVE to do. I'm 18 in 2 days, so legally I can go anywhere I'd like, but I guess the real question is, where shall I go?

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