Harry's POV.
I had been waiting for Charlotte for the past 40 minutes. Everyone was here for the charity event, family, girlfriends, close friends. I didn't know where she was. I'd text her 3 times, but each time there was no reply.
I played with my phone as i waited for her reply. I was backstage with the boys ready to go on stage. Lou was touching up on our hair.
"Haz, she'll be here." Louis whispered.
"We're going on stage in 5 minutes Lou." I spoke lowly.
He sighed. "She might be stuck in traffic. You don't know..Just, don't let it get to you. We're doing this for charity, come on mate."
I nodded. "Sorry, you're right. She'll be here." I smiled slightly standing up and shaking whatever this feeling was off.
The boys and i stood in a huddle and did our special chant, we then started towards the stage.
As i walked out the door and turned towards the stage doors i saw out the corner of my eye a certain someone.
"Charlotte?" I spoke quickly rushing up to her. She looked slightly in a daze.
I smiled at the fact she was wearing the dress i bought her - Eleanor helped me pick it, and the shoes. As i got closer to her i noticed she had marks down one arm, and blood down another. "Charlotte what happened?" I asked panicked as i took her arms in my hands to look at them.
"The fans." She breathed sounding exhausted. "They noticed me and.." She sounded almost like she was going to cry. But when i looked into her eyes, there were no signs of tears. "..I-I told the security i was here w-with you, but they didn't believe me.." My jaw clenched. "So i-i had to basically sneak my way in."
"Harry." I heard Niall shout me. I turned round to see him pointing towards the stage doors, i nodded before turning back round to Charlotte.
"You're okay now though, yeah?" I asked.
She nodded. "Look at my arms."
I frowned looking at how much they must of stung. "I'm going to give you to Paul, he'll clean you up then bring you out, okay?"
She shook her head quickly. "Y-you can't leave me."
I frowned. "I have to babe, i need to go on stage."
She continued to shake her head. "You can't leave me with him, i c-can't be alone."
Her voice sounded desperate, like she really couldn't be alone with a man. "You're alone with me all the time? Paul's a lovely guy,father,loving husband-"
She looked up at me, this time the tiniest tear in her eye. "I trust you though, i don't know him like i know you." My heart melted at those words. She trusts me. "Please, are there any women?"
I swallowed as i heard Zayn now shout me. "I'll give you to Lou, she'll take care of you." I smiled.
Her face instantly relaxed as she nodded. "Thank you Harry."
"No problem." And with that i took her hand and lead her to hair and makeup.
Charlotte's POV.
http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=96326065Harry introduced me to Lou who he said was one of the few women he trusted with his life and that she would take care of me.
He wasn't lying either.
She cleaned up my arms and checked they weren't infected, after - she offered to go over my makeup for me as i'd sweated so much my foundation was basically no where to be seen.
"Have you ever seen the boys in concert before?" She asked.
"No, i've never had chance to."
"You're in for a treat then," She smiled placing a base coat of foundation on my face.
I actually like the feel of someone doing my makeup, feeling girly - i haven't felt girly in a long time.
"Are you and Harry just friends then?"
I nodded. "He's a good person."
She smiled changing brushes. "A very good person."
"Is he always so genuine?" I asked. "Does he ever just snap and get angry?"
She shook her head. "Harry is Harry. What you see is what you get with him. He doesn't change around people. And that's what's so mesmerizing about him, you expect him to be a certain way because of what the media says and how they label him. But if they spent an hour with him, they'd regret every word they've ever said about him."
"It must be hard." I spoke quietly.
"He pretends he isn't affected by it. He laughs it off, plays on the fact he gets called these names. But i know when he goes to bed at night he'll be looking for bad things, asking himself what he did wrong, why he got called this name or that name."
"But he's so calm?"
"Very. Harry doesn't like being angry, he gets frustrated but he's young. He started at 16, he's only doing what a normal 19 year old boy does, but he's just in the public eye rather than university."
"I've never looked at it like that."
She tapped her brush against her hand as she applied some powder. "Harry's very humble. He's also very sensitive, he likes being around me,my daughter Lux and my boyfriend Tom because..well, i think it's because we're a family unit. And i think because Harry's the youngest, he misses home a lot. He wouldn't admit it, but i know he does. I try to mother him and give him guidance, and make him feel as at home as possible."
I smiled. "He said you're one of the few women he trusts."
She chuckled. "I'm glad he thinks that much of me. He's a gem. And i can tell you're guarded, and shy. I can also tell you're not friends with Harry because of fame."
"How can you tell?"
She tapped her hand with the brush again. "I can just tell. You're sort of like Harry, in a way."
"You think?"
She nodded. "You're not the only one with secrets." She winked.
I sat there unsure of what to say. This woman who i hardly know has figured me out already.
"My main worry is that Harry would get tired of me as a friend." I said quietly.
She frowned. "Harry's loyal. And when he thinks highly of you, and trusts you. He doesn't try and jeopardize relationships. He's one of the most trustworthy people i know. He's a cheeky shit, but i trust him."
I giggled. "He's opened my eyes."
"He has?" She asked looking at eyeshadow colours. "How?"
I smiled. "He's made me trust again, i haven't had a great past. But when i'm with Harry, i kind of almost feel like the old me."
She nodded. "Be around the people who make you happy."
And with that she finished my makeup off with mascara and red lips. She held my hand guiding me out to the arena. The boys were into their third song, i wasn't sure what it was called but i danced along with the crowd of screaming/crying girls.
~ ~ ~ ~
"How did you find that?" Harry smiled as he and the other guys came backstage, i had been standing with Lou talking to Louis' girlfriend Eleanor when they finally came off stage.
"It was really great." I smiled hugging him gently. "You smell of sweat." I wrinkled my nose laughing at his face as i said it.
"I just performed a 2 hour show!" He gasped jokingly.
"Shock,horror - Harry Styles sweats, alert the 18 million girls." I winked. He rolled his eyes as he drank some water. I took his other hand and examined the random tattoos on his wrist. "Why the padlock?"
He shrugged. "Ed did it."
I chuckled. "Of course he did."
He smiled. We had this on-going joke about how Harry's friends with everyone.
"I want a tattoo." I pouted.
"You do?"
I nodded.
"I'll take you to my favourite tattoo place one day?"
I smiled. "Sure."
"Haz, we're going for food, you coming?" Niall approached. I had taken time out to learn each guys names and surnames, i thought it would be embarrassing to meet them and be like 'Hi..1D member..'
Harry turned to me. "Fancy some food?"
I looked down to my watch. "Er- i have work t-tomorrow, and i don't really have a lot of money.." I whispered so only he heard me.
"We'll meet you there." Harry replied before turning back to me. "Stop worrying about money. Do you think i'd invite you somewhere and expect you to pay for your own food?"
I looked down. "I can't keep letting you pay for me Harry. It's wrong."
He frowned. "No it isn't."
"You're so annoying."
He smirked, a dimple showing. "Come on, you'll have fun. Get to know the guys,eat..see my face some more.."
"Now that's enough to scare any girl away." I teased.
He gasped before taking my hand. "Pretty please?"
I rolled my eyes. "Go shower and i'll think about it."
He grinned before turning around and taking his top off and heading for the shower.
I shook my head as i smiled, remembering Lou's words - 'Harry's loyal. And when he thinks highly of you, and trusts you. He doesn't try and jeopardize relationships.'
Maybe it was time i started trusting people and being my old self again.

His Girl// [h.s]
FanfictionTrust is like a paper, once crumpled; it'll never be the same ever again.