Harry's POV.
Christmas day was, well. Nice. That's the only way i could describe it.
After opening presents, we all got washed and dressed as mum cooked her ever so famous christmas dinner.
Charlotte and i would often catch eachothers eye whilst eating dinner, but never for too long. She'd always send me a cautious smile before paying attention to whoever was talking at the time.
That evening as i helped mum tidy and clean the kitchen whilst everyone else watched some good christmas tv, i see Charlotte walking outside, her head down - obviously thinking stuff through.
Mum sees me watching her. "Go talk to her." She encourages quietly.
I go to protest, but she nudges me with a smile.
I grab the nearest jacket and slowly walk out towards her.
"Bit cold out here?" I say quietly so i don't make her jump. I sit down opposite her.
She smiles. "Just a little."
"Enjoyed your day?"
She nods, turning to look at me. "Loved it. You?"
I shrug looking up into her eyes. "Could have been better."
She turns away and sighs.
"I want us Charlotte. I want us to just.." I sigh not sure how to say all of the things going through my head at once.
"You want us to be perfect." She smiles sadly. "But we're not. You make mistakes. I make mistakes. And that's okay, because we're humans."
"I make too many mistakes."
"You can never make too many with me."
"All i do is let you down. You deserve so much better than me."
She frowns. "What are you suggesting?"
"Nothing. I just..don't want to hurt you. You deserve the sort of guy who wakes you up before he leaves for work, and randomly brings you flowers, and leaves notes around the house telling you how much i love you. You deserve someone who knows how to be romantic, and sweep you off your feet."
Charlotte scratches her hair frustrated. "I don't want that sort of guy. I want you. So what if you don't tell me 30 times a day that you love me, i know you do through your actions, the way you always have my side of the bed warmed up, how you are with Milo, the way you record my favourite shows if your know i'm going to miss them. I don't need you to be romantic, this is by far no love story. I don't need a Ryan Gosling, or Channing Tatum. I just want you, Harry." She smiles.
I wipe the tiny tear that's on my cheek.
"Are you crying?" She mocks.
"It's the wind." I reply quickly.
She laughs, of course she knows i'm lying. "We both need to learn to work through this relationship, it's not just one sided."
"I love you." I blurt.
She smiles taking my hand. "I love you too. It's christmas. There's going to be a new year, new baby, and a new start for us."
I pull her out of her chair and onto my lap. "A new us." I say placing my hand on her bump.
We kiss for a little while smiling away before heading back inside to my whole family who are smiling like idiots.
My mum holds up 4 dvds. "We want to something to watch, why don't you choose H?" She smiles happily.

His Girl// [h.s]
FanfictionTrust is like a paper, once crumpled; it'll never be the same ever again.