Charlotte's POV.
"I can't believe we're going to Rome!" I say excited as i sit in First Class next to Harry. It felt like we were the only ones on the plane.
"Better believe it babe." He smiled kissing my cheek.
"Love you."
"Love you too."
The plane journey wasn't very long, Harry listened to his music whilst i updated His Girl. It was coming along quite well really, they were starting to really fall in love, she was more in it than he was, he had many barriers, one of them being a lie,he had to figure out a way to tell her and not break her, but he knew there wasn't."Why are you crying babe?" Harry had asked at one point.
I shook my head. "Sorry, it's just this book. It's a sad part."
"He..he's betrayed her, and he doens't know how to tell her. In the end he tells her point blank, and i'm just writing how she's feeling."
Harry's adam's apple bobbed as i spoke. "That is..sad."
I nodded. "You won't ever betray me,will you? If you do, you'd be honest right?"
He nodded. "Right."
I smiled kissing him. "We're always open."
"Always open." He repeated.
I smiled getting back to my book.
Once we arrived at the hotel my jaw dropped.
St Regis Grand Rome. It read at the top of the building.
"I'm" I gawked.
Harry laughed wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Yes babe."
"But this is where like.. the queen stays."
"Fit for you then, isn't it?"
I smiled and took hold of his hand as we walked inside.
The lobby was just as magnificent. Cream walls, original italian art hung on the walls, sculptures on every surface, chandeliers hanging sparkling in the light.
"Wow." I breathed.
Harry and i walked to reception where the lady with the name tag of 'Anna-Teresa' smiled, obviously knowing who he is.
"Ciao, ho prenotato una camera per tre notti. Sotto il nome Styles?" He smiled.
She looked back at the computer. Before smiling back up at him, completely dismissing me. "Sì, avete qui, vorrei ottenere la carta della camera."
"Perfetto, grazie bella ragazza." He flirted.
I knew what that meant: beautiful girl. "You just called her beautiful?" I asked whilst the receptionists back was turned.
"Got to flirt sometimes." He laughed. "It's how i get free things."
I let go of his hand as she came back handing Harry a room card and leaflet.
"La carta della camera, e i miei numeri sul retro in caso avete bisogno di qualcosa. E intendo qualsiasi cosa signor Styles." She winked.
"What did she say?" I asked. I'm sure she wasn't just giving him a card there.
"Nothing important, just to ring down if we need anything." I knew he was lying.
Harry's POV.My heart was racing as Charlotte walked in front of me to our suite. How was i suppose to tell her the receptionist left her number in the leaflet and that she said was willing to do anything for me?
What is wrong with me? Why am i not able to tell Charlotte things? Because you're scared to lose her and never see her again - which is what will happen. Thanks head.
I had my plan all in my head. We'd have this holiday. Spend time together, then once we're back, i'll tell her. Openly tell her.
"It's beautiful." Charlotte gasped, her eyes wide.
I'd made sure to get the most expensive luxurious suite in the hotel. She deserved it, and more. A lot, lot more.
"How long are we here for again?" She jokes opening the double doors to the balcony.
"4 nights."
"I think i want to live here forever."
We stood out on the balcony, my arms around her waist as her head rested back on my collar bone. "I'm sorry for upsetting you downstairs."
"It's okay. I guess i got.. jealous?"
"There's no need to be jealous. I don't want anyone else." It's the truth i don't. I just act on impulse.
"I know. It's the thought i guess.Someone else having you, someone else's hands on you. It would drive me insane."
I gulped. "Good thing i'm only yours then, isn't it?"
She nodded. "It is. Let's keep it that way."
A/N: HEY GUYS, Trying to hit 10k reads..

His Girl// [h.s]
FanfictionTrust is like a paper, once crumpled; it'll never be the same ever again.