Charlotte's POV.
I wasn't quite sure on how to feel. I walked home, the sun beating on my shoulders, my bag hung loosely as i wrapped my jacket around me a little tighter. I felt tired, light-headed and a little sick.
This past month had come and gone so fast.
The Brits were.. amazing. I met people i never thought i'd meet. I got to spend the night surrounded by music,food and celebrities. I sat on a table with Eleanor, Lou,Harry's mum - Anne and Gemma. When the boy won; we all held hands and hugged tightly.
I felt like the very first time like i was a part of something. A part of a family.
Harry and i, after having the talk in my kitchen have really tried to make things work, and talk through problems rather than avoiding one another. And thankfully things have gotten better for us.
We see eachother nearly everyday, we text until one of us fall asleep, and i often open my office door to a new bouquet of roses. It was everything i wanted in a relationship.
And i'm finally happy.
Harry's 19th came, it was definitely.. interesting. We spent the day together shopping - staying out of the way of paparazzi, then i made him believe we were going for a meal with just us and the boys, when really it was a party with his whole family and closest friends.
The smile on his face didn't stop growing that night.
Once i got home i took a shower and changed. It was just past 6, i'd been expecting a text or phonecall from Harry saying he was on his way, but i had minimal texts all day.
I guess this is what happens when your boyfriend rehearses for a world tour all day.
I sat watching mindless tv as i ate some healthy salad.
That's what i need to be now. I made a mental note to buy some more fruit and vegetables in.
I flipped through some house brochures, i had some for London and New York, still unsure whether i'd actually want to move there in the near future. All i know is that i want to be out of this hell hole.
I was reading about a house in London when i received a text from Eleanor.
Eleanor: Hey babe..Come over to Louis' Xx
I frowned confused about her text, she rarely text me and when she did it was about going out or meeting up, this text worried me.
Me: I'll be 10 xxx
I slipped on my boots and made my way to Louis'.
I knocked on the door once i arrived - but no one answered. Surely they're expecting me if she text me?
I tried the door and it opened, i walked in slipping off my shoes and making my way to the livingroom where i heard people speaking.
"- What am i suppose to say to her?" I heard Harry sigh. I looked through the gap in the door to see Harry sat with the boys and Eleanor and Danielle.
"You just need to tell her.. everything." Louis spoke.
Harry stood - his back to the door, i was still looking through the gap.
"What am i suppose to say? Hi Charlotte, remember how i told you i never cheated? Well in actual fact i did.. 3 times."
I gasped my heart sinking. I opened the door to scream at him; but he continued so i stood there listening.
Eleanor saw me and lowered her eyes.
".. Yeah, i cheated on you on New Years Eve when you were texting me i was fucking her brains out. When i was on the holiday, whilst i told you it all ended, i was actually having sex with her yet again. And on our holiday in Rome.. while you slept i was with some model in the gym changing rooms."
My face was surely stained now with makeup.
"How am i supposed to tell her all that?"
"You just did." I spoke walking into the room.
Harry slowly turned around almost wishing i was someone else. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. "How could you Harry?" I asked my bottom lip trembling.
"And you.." I said looking at Danielle. "And you.." I cried looking at Eleanor. "How could any of you keep this from me?"
"Charlotte i wanted to tell you but-"
"But you didn't!" I yelled cutting Eleanor off. "None of you did." I shouted looking at everyone.
I turned back to Harry. "I've asked you and asked you about this, and each time you've said no.. that you love me,and you'd never hurt me, well guess what Harry, you've done just that. I can't..I can't.." I shake my head not really getting over what i've just heard.
"I trusted you. I put everything into you and this is what i get?" I cry. "I don't understand why you would want to hurt me like this?" I feel my tears drying up slightly. "Why Harry? What satisfaction can you honestly get from ripping every piece of my heart a part? You know everything about me, you know my insecurities and you've just.. used them against me. All those roses and presents, they're not.. not because you love me, but because you're guilty and hoping that each day i haven't found out just yet. When were you planning on telling me? Or were you not? Were you just hoping it would all fade out?" I scoff. "I can't believe this."
I physically feel sick. I look up to him, hoping for a reaction, for him to speak.
But he says nothing. He stands there staring in silence. Just like the entire room.
"I never want to see any of you ever again." I turn to Eleanor and Danielle. "Don't even try and contact me. You're all dead to me." I sniff.
I turn back to Harry. "All you do is hurt people. You never cared about me. You just wanted something to ruin, and well've ruined me. I am going to go home now, and pack. I'm going to move to New York and i hope i never see your face again. I'm going to have a better life without you, by myself, with our baby."
Harry frowns. "Our baby?"
"Yes Harry. I'm pregnant, i found out today.. I wanted to tell you on happier circumstances, but you ruined that for yourself."
I turn around and make my way out of Louis' house taking in a breath of fresh air before calling for a cab to take me home.

His Girl// [h.s]
FanfictionTrust is like a paper, once crumpled; it'll never be the same ever again.