Luke's POV.
I sang to Milo as i cooked the dinner, making him laugh. I decided on making my infamous chicken pasta bake that Charlotte loved. She'd always ask me to make it every time she came round, but we often ordered out.
"Daddy!" Milo called.
It melted me every time he called me daddy. I'm the only man he's ever known. I love him and Charlotte more than they could ever imagine. I never knew i could be in love like this, love someone so strongly as i do Charlotte - i'd do anything for her.
"Milo taste is?" I asked him holding the spoon full to his mouth. He smiled rubbing his tummy.
He nodded.
I smiled closing the oven and placing the pasta dish on the side before i put it onto different plates. As i put Milo in his highchair Charlotte walked in placing her bag down with a sigh.
"Hello my gorgeous girlfriend." I smiled kissing her lips.
"Hello handsome." We kissed for a couple more minutes almost forgetting Milo was there. "And hello my little boy!"Charlotte coo kissing his forehead.
We all ate at the dinner table, Charlotte looked tired but less stressed as she was this afternoon, i was glad.There's nothing worse than seeing her cry."I..I got an email today."
"..From Harry."
"Oh?" I felt my heart beat race a little more.
"Yeah, he just wanted to ask if we could be civil seeing as One Direction are having a shoot for American Vogue."
"And you're okay with that?"
"I don't go to shoots, so i'm not bothered. I won't see him, i don't want to see him,end of."
I smiled.
"There are only 2 men in my life that i need."
"Milo and Channing Tatum, right?" I wink.
She laughed. "Okay 3 men.."
We finish eating dinner and put Milo to bed, we read him a bedtime story and then sang 2 of his favourite songs and he finally drifted off.
Charlotte's POV.
Once in bed, Luke and i cuddled, i was still frustrated from the day i had.
"You tired?" he asked hovering over my body.
I kissed his lips. "No, but i can think of a few things to make me tired." I giggle.
He kisses my lips again then my jaw line making me moan slightly.
“So tell me about your day..did it get better?” He spoke softly as he trailed his mouth along my jaw; his familiar scent lingering in the air.
I exhaled deeply as my senses tuned into the soft lapping of his tongue running down my neck, nipping and sucking carefully.“Well..” I began, slightly distracted by the careful attention that Luke’s tongue was paying to my skin. “After you left, Emelia gave me what was correct, but then someone had done the paper counts completely wrong, but I got the blame ‘cause I was the one supervising Leona.”
Lukey’s mouth was now nibbling on the skin of my shoulder, exposed by the dress i’d been wearing.
“Mmmhmm, keep going.” His voice was muffled by my skin, his fingers now lingering on the inside of my thigh.

His Girl// [h.s]
FanfictionTrust is like a paper, once crumpled; it'll never be the same ever again.