Charlotte's POV.
I was still in hospital even though i told them i was completely fine and they had nothing to worry about. The doctor wasn't convinced and just kept on telling me they had to keep me in to be 'monitored', i mean i'm sure i know myself if i feel better or not, right?
Harry visited daily, sometimes with Milo, sometimes without him. He'd always bring me something whether it was something to eat or play with, i appreciated it a lot.
Where it left Harry and I though? I don't really know.
He's done everything for me whilst i've been here, he's acted so selflessly, and i couldn't thank him enough.
Whether that meant it could lead for us to get back together? I couldn't possibly say.
I sat up one morning, ready to eat my breakfast when the doctor came in."Morning Miss Orchid, how are you feeling?"
I smiled. "Good actually, thank you."
"Glad to hear. I have some good news. You can leave today, we are allowing you to be discharged."
My eyes lit up. "Really?!"
He nodded. "Really."
"Okay, thank you!"
"We can ring your boyfriend to pick you up or -"
"Oh, he isn't my boyfriend.."
The doctor nodded.
"Good friend, that's all. But yes, please ring him."
Within the next hour Harry was here, he'd dropped Milo at Emelia's as he wanted to surprise him. He brought me a change of clothes and a new toothbrush, the ones at the hospital are rough against my teeth, he also brought me my hair brush.After changing and signing myself out i was able to walk - slowly - out of the hospital. I took in the fresh air as soon as it hit me.
"Glad to be out?" Harry chuckled as we approached his car. He opened the door for me and helped me slid in as comfortable as possible.
He drove me home, and i had never felt so happy to be somewhere. Nothing had changed, it was all exactly how it was before everything happened.
"You had some pots in the kitchen, so i cleaned them up."
I smiled. "Thank you." I took my bag and placed it down before laying on my sofa. In the living room there were flowers and cards all from staff at Vogue wishing me to get well, i smiled at them thankful that there are some genuine people out there.
"We need to talk about Milo." Harry spoke.
I sat up on the sofa and let him sit down too.
"We do?"
He nodded.
"The other night he was a little..upset."
"He was? Why?"
"He knows you're coming home, and i think he got a little worried because i kind of told him he might not live with me anymore, but he.. doesn't want that."
"He thinks we're all going to live together at mine."
I didn't know how to react, or what to say. "Oh."
"..And i don't know what to do Char."
"Well, you two obviously have a bond now, he can come back here, then stay with you on weekends or something?"
I saw Harry gulp.
"Unless there's something else you're not telling me.." I knew that face.
"I..have to go back to the UK."
I closed my eyes. "For how long." I opened my eyes again to see him shrug.
"I'm not too sure, it's where i live,where everything is. I can't be specific."
"So you're just going to leave, knowing your son is on the other side of the world wondering where you are?" I didn't shout, or cry or do anything. I couldn't. If he wants to leave, he can, as always it'll just be me picking up the pieces.
He shook his head. "I couldn't bare the thought of being without him. He's quickly turned into my everything."
"He's had one father figure leave, i'm sure he can live without another." I spat referring to Luke who also claimed Milo as his 'everything'. But in actual fact Milo is my everything. I'm the only person in this entire world who wouldn't ever abandon him.
I could tell the words hurt him. "Come with me."
I looked up at him. "What?"
"Why not? You're from London, you can transfer back to London Vogue, Milo can go into a nursery, and i get to see him still."
I held my forehead. "I don't know Harry-"
"Please." He pleaded. "You're in the middle of New York where you aren't really that happy."
"And you would know how?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Because you're not. I know every tiny little detail about you Char. I know that when you watch sad movies and you cry you get hiccups. I know when we eat you always pick off my plate, you're not ticklish on your feet but you are under your chin, and you have a heart shaped scar from when you fell off your bike when you were 9 on your right arm."
I smiled, a little tear rolling down my cheek.
"And i also know that from the minute you walked out of my life, i'd never find anyone even an inch as perfect as you. Because you are you, and that's exactly why i love you."
I wiped my face. "You-you love me?" I looked up to his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips.
"Never stopped."
I reached over and hugged him, burying my face into his neck. "I love you too."
"So will you come back to London with me?"
I nodded as he tightened his grip on me kissing my hair.
"Careful." I groaned referring to my stomach.
He loosened a little. "Sorry." He whispered.
~ ~ ~
That afternoon we drove over to Harry's place, he was going to go and pick up Milo and i was going to cook something up for the 3 of us.
"Mummy!" I heard Milo just about scream as soon as he saw me in the kitchen, he ran towards me his arms widen open.
"Hello baby." I smiled squeezing him to death, for this moment i didn't care about my stomach.
"You 'taying here mummy?" Milo asked as Harry picked him up.
It was weird to see them both together, how Milo really did look like his dad. But i could see myself in him too. Milo didn't have Harry's wild curls, he had a slight wave, but more or less it was straight, he had Harry's dimples and nose, but my brown eyes - my family have strong genes, so it doesn't surprise me much.
"Er-i d-don't-"
"Of course she is." Harry smiled kissing Milo's cheek. Milo cheered happy we'd all be under one roof.
"I am?" I questioned as Harry put Milo down to go and find his toy car.
"If you want to." He spoke leaning into me.
"I can't say i'd mind." I smiled as he kissed me for the first in what felt like forever.
We were finally getting back on track.

His Girl// [h.s]
FanfictionTrust is like a paper, once crumpled; it'll never be the same ever again.