Chapter Six - Beautiful Pain

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Ever since that morning she left me standing alone, wanting more. I have become a little more erratic with my victims, more of them. Less chitchat and definitely more random. It fuels something inside of me, the killings don't dull it anymore. What is fuelled is pure and undeniable want. Before, my want was to kill and feel them squirm and squeal under me, but now. It's changed. The killing is now something I have to do, a need, a habit manipulated over the years. I still feel the same rush, but I have a different rush playing at me almost constantly.
But it's deeper than that, I want to know her deepest secrets, the full story of her life and why she kills. While she was asleep in my bed, I went through her bag, her drivers licence was of course in there. She lives in LA, her car number plate was LA too. It didn't look fake, I have to follow this. I need to find her, I know she feels a want inside her too.

I was in LA, but I hadn't gone yet. I was biding my time. There has been a few murders reported, same killing, same gun. I know it's her. Mine have been on the news too, the police are no closer to catching me or her then they are to proving of a God. I took a long drag of my cigarette, inhaling deeply. I sat in my car, biding my time, yes. But I was done waiting. The traffic was thick and by my fourth cigarette I made it to her boulevard. Her apartment was in the jungle of the city, the building towered over the others. It was new and looked like you'd need a bit of money to buy there. I do wonder where her money comes from.

I stepped inside the lift, pressing the floor and waiting. The ride was unbearable and long, she lived close to the top. Her door was at the end of the hallway, I chuckled at the door number 666. I was tempted to just open the door in a grand entrance but that screams bad at me. I ran a hand through my hair and knocked, I didn't smile, I just waited. I heard a set of footsteps, hastening around before coming closer to the door. It swung open and Verity stood there in jeans and singlet top, her hair rather messy but it looked good.

"Fuck." She said shocked, her mouth hung open as I looked her up and down.
"Well hello Verity." I couldn't help but grin now, she looked flustered but hot.
"How the fuck did you find me?" She screeched as I stepped inside, she closed the door behind me.
"Looked at your licence, nice place." Verity sighed and I walked around. The view was amazing and the place was definitely an upmarket budget, she must have a fair bit.
"You've been naughty, Verity." I tsk-ed at her and opened her fridge.
"I've seen your trail all over the news, all rapists?" I questioned her.
"Perhaps, what's it to you Andy?" She retorted, her face flushed.
"You interest me, I know you're curious about me too." Ah, my ego, what a brilliant thing.
"What do you want to know?" Verity said, taking a step towards me. I smirked, taking one towards her.
"Everything." I growled lowly at her, my voice full of lust. I took another step towards her, our body's close now. Her breathing quickened and my smirk grew.
"You hungry?" Verity whispered eventually.


We sat at a small table in the middle of a food court. It was crowded and nobody would take interest in us.
Andy was scoffing down a wrap, while I was trying to decide what he wanted to know. I picked at the salad and sipped lazily on my frappe. I was still on edge that he was here, and I couldn't help but think about when I half kissed him. And then left, that was about two weeks ago.

"Okay, first of all, I want to know how you make money, or acquire it." He leant in closer, taking a sip of his drink. His cheek bones prominent as he sucked through the straw.
"My grandparents had a rather large fortune that was left to me until I was eighteen, my mother fought to get it though." I said, rolling my eyes as he nodded.
"So is your real dad sill around, you mentioned it was your step dad who did those things to you." I chuckled softly, he shot me an eyebrow but watched me still.
"Well, he's around kinda, he's in jail." Andy looked taken back and it made me smirk at him, everyone is usually shocked.
"Murder?" He shot at me, curious filled his blue eyes.
"Drug dealing, huge business, blood money though. He's doing thirty years." I said briskly, my dad did bad stuff but he wasn't a bad soul.
"My turn." I leant across the table, making my point clear.
"Shoot." He said, smirking at me.
"Do you want to kill me?" I said, he laughed at me.
"No, I want to do other things to you..." His voice dark but promising.

"Why do you chose the victims like you do? Like that waitress for instance?" I said, searching his eyes desperately as I had given away that I had watched him that night.
"You sneak." He glowered at me, I kept my stern glance, awaiting his answer. Andy sighed leaning in again.
"It all started when I met him, he taught me everything I know. My parents died when I was twelve, he took me in. At first I was horrified as he made me watch women scream as he cut them and tortured them. But then something clicked inside of me, a rush like the one when you desire something. I perfected my art, the victims however. It just developed, I don't like fake people, fake bodies I mean and it made me feel angry, so angry. I just get this rush at certain women, above average height, blonde, natural or not. And, they always have a fake element. Boobs, lips, whatever.... It just makes me want them to bleed..." He growled at me, my breathing was quick and I couldn't help but bite my lip. I may have been a killer, but this man is dangerous... And yet I liked that he talked in that growling manner.

Andy looked up and down behind me and chuckled, but shifted, getting twitchy.
"Is there someone you.... Want?" I chose my words carefully.
"Yes." His answer was sharp.
"Where?" I said, he pointed a woman walking.
"Show me." I said, my heart beat quickening as his smile turned wicked and evil. Andy's eyes darkened and his hand twitched.
"What?" Andy came extremely close to me, his voice teasing but his eyes remained the same.
"Show me what you do..." I could barely talk, my brain malfunctioned at his closeness.
"Why?" His eyes feted from her to me.
"I want to know what you feel when you do it..." I said, almost ashamed, but he just grinned.

Andy grabbed my hand pulling me up and close to him. He looked at me with a terrifying grin and wild look.
"The feeling is like a high, you want to see me kill?" He asked, backing me against a wall, not caring about anyone else. I nodded, looking down. This time, I couldn't meet his eyes.
"On one condition." He said, I almost scoffed at him. I nodded at him, keeping calm.
"I want to know, do you like me?" He said, catching me off guard.
"Do you want me?" He said, he smirked cut I could see the devil lurking. I gulped at his words.
"Then let me show you, what I like to call beautiful pain..."



Hey guys, how have you all been?
Yes call me cringed for using song terms but oh well!
I have major PCD (post concert depression) I saw one of my favourite bands on the weekend with my best friend and it was amazing and we were like second row and it was great.

Please tell me what you think of this chapter!
Drop a comment and a vote please! It means a lot!!

Love Lucy xx

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