Chapter Five - I Work Alone

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I groaned turning over, I inhaled deeply and realised that there was another smell other than me in the room. My eyes shot open, blinking I squinted and realised I was looking out a window. I looked around, this was not the motel I stayed in the night before. My bag was next to me, the contents spread over the coffee table near the bed. I gulped, throwing the cover back and sitting up, I was still wearing underwear and my singlet, a huge relief.
"Oh..." I whispered, as reality sunk in. I was in Andy's hotel room... In his bed. God, he could've killed me. Having no idea where my clothes are, I bravely stood up, taking the view in.

The door opened and I spun around, Andy walked in holding two cups.
"Well good morning." He said handing me a cup, I stared at him, he had no shirt on and it frustrates me.
"Hi..." I said, taking a sip, still taking in his features.
"How'd you sleep?" He chuckled and leant up against the coffee table.
"Crashed I think... Did we sleep together?" I said, he was grinning and nodded.
"Well, next to each other. You threatened to kill me if I touched you, so I slept next to you." Andy seemed pleased with himself, I, rather embarrassed. I tried to stop looking at his bare chest, but I couldn't. He was very alluring and it was annoying.

"Could you, uh, could you put a shirt on?" I said, still looking at him. Andy stood up and walked over to me, I stared up at him as he leaned in and reached behind me grabbing his shirt.
"Could you put some pants on?" He teased, I blushed and stood up looking around for my jeans.
"Do you know where they are?" I said, eyeing him as he stretched, putting the t-shirt on. He shook his head, staring at my legs.
"I'd be happy if you never found them, you have nice legs..." He mused, I chuckled looking around.
"I wanted to ask you about these..." He gestured to the coffee table, there was money, guns and bullets splayed out on the table.
"Yes, why did you go through my bag?" I said, walking to stand next to him.
"Curiosity." He said, picking up one of the guns.
"This is extremely rare, Verity, how did you get it?" Andy was curious but stern at the same time.
"I have a very good dealer." I said, picking up the money to check it was all there.
"I didn't steal any." He said, I could hear anger in his voice.
"Just checking."
"Don't you trust me?" He was suddenly very close, his eyes were darker and primal. I took a step closer to him, eliminating most space between us.
"Not. One. Bit." I growled back at him. He smirked at me, pushing me back against the window. I felt an urge, but didn't pursue it.
"Maybe you should." Andy's voice was dark, I couldn't take my eyes off his.
"Why?" I said, feeling as if I was out of breath. He drew a breath, not taking his eyes off mine.
"Because, we'd be stronger together."
"We don't kill for the same reasons Andy." I retorted, he didn't step back, only pressed against me further.
"Mmm, no but I could show you my ways..." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Show me your ways, what makes you think I will kill anyone that takes my fancy?" I said, thinking of how he kills women.
"Perhaps I mean, I could help you find targets for you..."
"Go on..." I said warily.
"Hack into sex offenders lists and what not..." He said, I thought over it for a second, it was a good offer. I shook my head, swallowing hard.
"I work alone, Andy." I said, staying away from this man seemed the most logical thing to do. No matter what I thought about him. He took a step back from me, defeated.
"I should go Andy." I said, looking for my jeans, shoes and jacket. He walked to the closet and took them out handing them to me.
"I'll walk you out, you'll see me again, don't worry." He teased, allowing me to walk through the door first.

We found my car and I opened it, throwing my bag in and then turning to Andy.
Without thinking I leant up and kissed him half on his cheek, half in his mouth. I felt his lips attempt to kiss back, but I pulled away quickly.
"Wait." He said, but I got in the car, shutting the door quickly and drove off. 
Why on earth did I do that? I asked myself as I drove further away. My heart rushed as I thought over my actions. I bit my lip as I turned a corner, I couldn't get my mind off his body and his soft lips, well what I felt of them. I happen to drive pass the dodgy motel, the middle aged rapist got out of his car and walked into the room. There were no cameras, I scoped that out earlier. I parked, walked up to his room, he had left the door slightly ajar. I made sure the silencer was on properly and I pushed the door open. He looked surprised to see someone but then his surprise altered into concern and shear fear.
"Fucking pig." I whispered before pulling the trigger, no sound, just blood  dripping down the walls in a red display.
I got out of there quickly, the comfort of my car calmed me down, I couldn't stop thinking of Andy....


I tried kissing her back, but she pulled away leaving me standing there. She had me on my knees with one kiss, it shattered my core, she was something different. Something, I haven't had before. And it riled me, I want her. I want to know her, I don't want that to be the only kiss. I had this feeling deep inside of me, I know one way to dull it.  I quickly picked up my knife and out on my jacket and shirt. Some lucky girl is about to feel my wrath, in the most carnal and primal way. This will take my mind off her, a hunt, something to prey on.
I will find Verity again, I'm determined...
I've known her two days and she's got me, I want more of her.



Hey guys! I did really well in my exams, so happy.
I have a long weekend in front of me because Queens birthday ahah.
Please tell me what you think of this chapter!!
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Love Lucy xx

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