Chapter Ten - Don't Answer The Phone

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I was worried, I'm never worried. It was like a continuous spiral in my mind and I couldn't get off it. This girl had me rattled, she was in danger, but she's obviously still scared of him to tell me more. Verity didn't seem to scare easily, so this is bad. In such a short amount of time I actually cared for someone. There was something about what she told me that made my spine chill. Maybe it was because she said he was dangerous. A type of danger that you can't run away from. Verity was out, she needed to clear her head, I tried to make her let me go with her but she was adamant.
I paced around her apartment in a frenzy like state, I need a release. I need to know where she is. Panic made its way to my core, a weird sensation.
The door opened and slammed shut, I quickly manoeuvred to see who it was. Sighing I walked up to Verity and she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm going to protect you..." I whispered to her. I wasn't used to this caring side of me, it was different.
"You can't." She pulled away and turned on the tap letting it heat up.
"What can we do to give us a bit more time?" I couldn't get my mind off this person.
"We wait, we stay low and we don't do anything rash." Verity's hand visible shook when she washed them.
"He's not going to get to you..." I said, sounding unsure.
"I envy your optimism on this" She whispered and stared straight ahead.
"You don't know what he's like..." Verity trailed off again and I grabbed her hand and led her to the table, sitting her down.
"Tell me then." I looked her in the eye as she hesitated.
"He's like the blade of a knife, always threatening to cut you and then once he does it will break you, make you shrivel from the inside out. Not just physically but the words he uses and the way he can manipulate. He pulls you in and then strikes." Her voice like venom as she spoke.
"What's his name?" I asked, needing more.
"Jake." Verity whispered the name, as if to say it louder he'd appear.
"Did you know he was your step brother?" She shook her head and smiled softly.
"I met him in a bar, he was sweet and seemingly normal. We laughed and he played me for months, he was like a drug, his darkness fuelled me but then one day the truth was revealed..." I held her hand firmly, waiting for her to go on.

"Sick, sick bastard..." Was all Verity said, sighing.
"Let's just see what happens?" I said, unsure of the situation.

Verity told about how he told her she was his everything, how he persuaded he every move and then tried to pounce.
I told her I needed to get a few things from my apartment.
A lie, I needed a kill, I needed that sweet sinful release. Being cooped up is not a good idea when it comes to me, no matter how much danger there is. There's a time to be careful and take your time in killing, but I fear I cannot last that long. I growled as I saw a girl, younger then me,  it blonde, tall, already she had poisoned herself with botox. Pulling my hood up I followed her, round corners before she turned into an alley and I slammed her against the wall. Pushing my hand the her mouth, she squirmed, trying to scream.
"Now, now, now precious..." I held the knife to her nose and chuckled darkly.
"Let me show you what I can do darling" Her eyes fearful and scared, I got more and more excited as the knife plunged slowly into her stomach. I felt the blood ooze onto my hands, like plunging your hand into warm water. I pulled it out admiring the deep red gem before slicing her throat open and walking away, finding a bathroom.

I saw and heard no one as I washed the sin away and tried to take shaky breaths. Verity was a little minx who could handle herself but what she was saying about Jake, it throttled me.
There are two types of crazy. One where you can find your humanity in another and one where you're mind twists and warps into something purely evil.
I'm the first... I'm not sure that this guy is...


Pace, sit down, pace, walk to the window, pace. Repeat.
I couldn't be still. Jake was the only man to make me feel like this. On edge. All the time. I hated it. My stomach was a constant burble of anxious pain.
I knew Andy was lying, I knew he couldn't be cooped up here forever. I just hope he isn't being careless.

The our swung open and Andy stalked in, shrugged his jacket off, put a bag down and pulled me towards him.
"I'm sorry I left you alone." He kissed me softly and I shook my head.
"I'm can defend for myself, were you careful?" I questioned him, he smirked at me, knowing he hadn't fooled me.
"Yes, I did actually get stuff from home though." Andy paused and grabbed the black bag, pulling things out.
"I've brought the date to you, since it's best if we don't go out..." I nodded and looked at the movies and the large assortment of CD's he had.
"Thank you-" I was cut off as Andy kissed me, backing me up against the wall.
I felt the cold glass of the window as he pinned my hands above my head kissing me. I bit his lip and he pulled away moaning.
"Tease." Andy growled in my ear as he kissed my neck fiercely.
I groaned and grinded against him, the only mechanism I had, since Andy had my hands pinned.
His lips reconnected with mine and I exhaled as they did.
A loud ring made me jump, but Andy didn't stop.
"Don't. Answer. It." He whispered and licked my bottom lip. I groaned and pushed him off me, searching out my phone.
"Hello Verity" I froze, my body going numb, Andy knew who it was and coaxed me to answer.
"Jake..." My mouth was dry and breathing became hard.
"I hope you're ready for a world of fun." He growled and I tried to string my words together. Andy stole my phone and pressed it to his face.
"Listen to me, if you step within 100 metres of Verity, I will slaughter you." Andy was pissed off and his words poisonous.
"Aw tsk tsk Andrew, that wasn't very polite. You should know, your threats are useless."
"How the hell-"
"I have my ways Andrew, you have no idea what you're up against." I could hear Jake's dark chuckle and it made me sick.
"I'm dangerous, I will kill you if you come near her." Something twinned inside of me, Andy was being protective of me.
I heard a beep on the phone, he had hung up. Andy stood there annoyed.
I pried his fingers off the phone and put it down, cupping his face in my hands.
"He won't get to us." I said unconvincingly. He nodded glumly and kissed me again. He pulled me to the floor and climbed on top of me.
"I will stop him, I will." I wrapped my hands around him as he sucked on my neck. I pulled his face away and kissed him.
Deep down I had a feeling that Jake was watching us, but right now, all I needed was Andy.



Stupid, naive girl.



Hey guys! I know it's been forever!!
I've had a lot on my plate, school is just piling up.

Anyways, I'm seeing Andy in concert in a few days with DudeBands
So excited!!

Please drop a comment telling me what you thought! And vote for this!

Hopefully you enjoy it, it will be drama filled on the next few chapters!

Love Lucy xx

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