Chapter Two - New York

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I couldn't tell at this point if I craved a woman's touch, a real touch. Or whether I just needed to squeeze a little harder around their throats, cut a little deeper.
I pulled the cover over my knife and secured it in my jacket, undetected at first glance. I had planned what will happen, I'll take a woman into the alleyway at the back of the club, no cameras. Then, it would be slick, quick and painless for her. Relatively. I often think of the person who taught me, who made me this way. I thank him for it. He did worse things though I vowed I wouldn't rape, not after seeing it. It's worse than dragging a blade across a throat, worse than suffocating.
I grabbed a bottle of whiskey, taking a rather large gulp I was ready to go. My heart pounded away, excited with endless possibilities. It was going to be a thrill set night, one filled with screams and strange satisfaction.

The night was young and I was feeling renewed and completely raring to go. I grabbed my wallet and locked the door of my hotel room. I wasn't going home tonight, I had to spread my work all over the country. A woman with straight brown hair past me at a hurried pace, I watched her walk past me, head down. The urge appeared and I reconsidered the original plan of going to the night club. I looked down, deciding what to do. Stick to the original plan, my conscious told me. I looked up again and she was gone, not my usual type anyway, not my well killing type at least.


The club was loud and tightly packed, it made looking for someone easier but harder to get them alone. I felt a body brush past me and I looked to my side, it was the brown haired girl, I felt a twinge of excitement, she looked too innocent though. I saw her walk to a man, rather tall and muscly and they hugged. Chance missed. I sucked in a breath and pulled my eyes away from her. I saw a girl sitting alone, blonde hair, with obvious fake boobs and tan. I felt the rush again, a rush of pure desirous destruction. I finished my alcoholic drink, bringing me confidence to my already huge ego. I walked over to her, smiling, charm, remember.

"Is this seat free?" I asked, smirking at her as she nodded and I sat down.

"So, what's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?" I winked at her and she blushed.

"I needed a place to think, even though its noisy here, it's taking my mind off things." She was leaning across the table now, her boobs practically falling out, thinking right... I glanced behind her at the brown haired girl, she was flirting madly with the muscly guy. My flirting with the blonde went back and forth until I finally had enough, I wanted her to scream, to suffer.

"Hey, do you want to get out of here?" I added sweetness and lust to my voice, she practically melted at it. I pulled her up quickly, in a dominant manner, she wasn't protesting though. I lead her out the back door and around the corner of the nightclub, she was giggling and it made me roll my eyes. Oh, how so many women have giggled like that when they think they're going to get laid.

Once we were out of sight, I pushed her up against the wall. She smirked at me and I back at her, oh how what she was thinking was so off. I leant into her and kissed her as I swiftly pulled the knife from my jacket. I heard footsteps, but I didn't stop, this was the perfect diversion. Her lips tasted of sickly lipstick and I hated it. I tried to turn my head to see who it was, I manoeuvred blondie around so I could see. The brown haired girl was passionately kissing the muscly guy, he was getting pretty touchy with her too. I tried my best to ignore them and pushed her against the wall again. Her hands wandered down to my pants and I jerked, grabbing her hands and forcing them above her head.

"Sweetheart, what would you like me to do?" I said, signature line. She shrugged but grinded against me. I smirked at her and glanced quickly at the brown haired woman, they were too involved with who they were doing.

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do... I'm going to make you hurt and scream..." she gasped and my hand went to her throat. She struggled slightly but didn't cry out. God bless, she thought this is foreplay. I kissed her lips once more before grabbing her left arm and pulling the knife from my sleeve.

"How many would you like, hmm?" I spoke to her, rhetorically. I cut once, twice, thrice and kept going. She screamed but I covered her mouth with my hand and continued my deep slick cuts up her arm and back down. Her eyes widened, terror filled them with every cut I made. I could tell she was starting to feel weak, I hoisted her against the wall more. I drove the knife into her throat and dragged smoothly and pulled it out. I glanced over again, the man was on the ground, the woman had a gun pointing at him, my mouth dropped as I watched the scene unfold before me. The blonde dropped beside me causing her to look up, she gasped when she saw me. Her hand started to shake but her features angered and she killed the man, there was no bang, no piercing sound. She was smart, she had a silencer. I made sure there were no prints and quickly walked away, my pace quickened, I was nearing the hotel.

"Wait!" I heard a voice shakily yell. I spun on my heels to see the woman chasing after me, she saw you, Andy, kill her. I cringed slightly at my thoughts, we had just seen each other commit murder, either one could talk, but then we'd both be in the same shit. I growled under my breath and walked towards her.

"What?!" I said fiercely, she seemed unfazed by it and looked up at me.

"You just killed that woman!" she whispered angrily and I pulled to the side of the path.

"And you, honey, just killed that man." She opened her mouth, then shut it again annoyed.

"I had reason...." Her voice quiet and she stared at the ground.

"And how do you know I didn't?" I challenged her, her eyes looked up searching mine. She had these striking green eyes, she eventually shrugged.

"Look, we both saw each other kill, so let's just forget about it and go our separate ways?" Her voice shook, I could tell she was intimidated by me, but not scared.

"Was that your first kill?" I disregarded what she said, I was suddenly intrigued by her.

"No, yours?" I sniggered at her, shaking my head. Serial killer?

"I want to know more..." I stepped closer to her, the space between us becoming thin.

"About what?" Her breathing become deeper and less controlled, it made me smirk.

"What entices you to kill, why, how many.... If it turns you on...I've never met a woman killer...."  My voice was luring again, but I had no intention to kill her... yet. She gasped at me, her face burning.

"Fine, what's your name?" I smiled at her as she spoke.

"Andy, your's sweetheart?" She glared at me at the use of the pet name but I just smirked right back.

"Verity." I grabbed her hand and walked us to the nearest diner. This would be interesting.



Hey guys, what did you think of this chapter? I have exams coming up and its stressful aha but I think I'll do okay.
Drop a comment telling me what you think and vote for this story!!!
Thanks! Sorry for any typos
Love Lucy

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