Karoake part 4!

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(Last part for Karoake session, still kpop) 

"Who is the last singer for today?" Asked Green as she looked at everyone's expressions. Pearl was looking devastated as he tried to control his emotions. Green spotted his facial expressions, looked at his lot, and yup, he was the singer. Pearl was in dilemma on which letter to choose. So far, all the boy's luck for songs were horrible and Pearl was expecting the worse. He finally said "Ok ok I choose E". Green looked at the song for E and begun coughing like crazy due to excessive laughter and got hiccups. Pearl smacked his forehead, knowing that this was not a good sign. Green was trying hard to get a hold of herself. Red peeked at the song list and when he saw E's song he begun smacking the wall because he was laughing so hard. Pearl braced himself and Green finally managed to stop laughing and speak "You got Jackpot! Here is Girl's Day Expectation!" Pearl almost went mad when he heard this. Everyone else found it so hilarious that even the serious Crystal and lady like Platinum burst out in laughter. The song was about this girls dancing very femininely and with tons of makeup. The music started and Pearl begun singing and also forced to dance. "Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Kiyeoge!" And Pearl broke out in the suspenders dance and everyone was screaming loudly and Gold was (AGAIN) laughing so hard till tears were flowing out. By the time half of the song was gone, Pearl officially gave up and used his scarf to cover his face.

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