Chapter 3: The Cave

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One morning Kanar and Litho were called before the Council of The Light. They were told that a Flame warrior named Niku was found in the mountains . Kanar and Litho gathered their best warriors and began the journey. They went through the Koska Forest and were stopped by a group of Narlock dragons which are small dragons that attack and eat larger dragons to gain their abilities. "Hold men we cannot turn back now we must fight" said Kanar. The whole platoon roared to signal the beginning of the duel. The Narlocks attacked first and had the advantage because of their speed. One went for Litho but was turned to a gold Narlock  statue because Litho used his Gold Dust Breathe. 

Kanar was attacked next. The Narlock that attacked him had gained the abilities of a Toxo Dragon which means his claws were infused with poison. The Narlock got lucky and penetrated Kanar's armor but was squashed by Kanar's hammerlike stone hand. "Mother fucker" Karnar said as he looked down at his wound. Litho looked over and saw his father slowly fall from the poison weakening him. He rushed over to help his father. As he made his way over he was blocked off by four Narlocks. He took a deep breathe and took out two with his Gold Dust Breathe and took the other two out with his gauntlet tail. 

Litho went over to his father and saw he couldn't tend to his wounds. Litho called the medic over the Healer Dragon did what he could to hold the poison at bay. Kanar ordered that they set up camp there for the night.

The next day Kanar could walk but was very weak. They needed to get to the cave and fast. It took them a while to scale the mountain but when they completed the fly they came to the mouth of a giant cave. This cave stunk and was very hot. but through the heat and stink one thing stood out. Niku!!!  

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