Chapter 1: The Beginning of The End

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Sorry for the short chapters they will get larger as the book goes on.


In the land of Garrome the greatest and fiercest of all dragons. Within this land though was also the most evil, Niku. Niku was a war dragon brought into this world for one purpose... to destroy the Council of The Light. The Council of The Light was a council made up of the crystalized white dragons of Lenthar. These dragons kept the peace between Dragons of The Light and Dragons of The Flame. If Niku destroyed this council all hell would break loose.

In Gar was born the savior of dragon kind Litho , a gold dragon. Litho was one of a kind there was no other dragon like him and there would never be because this dragon would save all of dragon kind. Litho was brought into this world by two great dragons Lioneth and Kanar. Lioneth was a stone dragon and Kanar was a lava dragon. Kanar fought in the Battle of Balar where the Light finally made peace with the Flame... or so they thought. 

"It is time I need to make my first move." Niku said. Niku lived in a cave in the Mountains of Kanishklu. He made his way out of his cave and flew off towards the main city of Gar, Likolite. Back at Likolite, Litho was training to become a warrior of the Light like his father Kanar. Suddenly they heard screams at the market. A dragon had been killed it was an elderly dragon name Hinaka. Hinaka's face had been bashed in by a war dragon's tail, that war dragon was Niku.

Killing Hinaka was a blowing move for Niku this would stir up the city because they would be pushing for answers. This would result in a riot and would give Niku the opportunity to lead an attck on the Council. Kanar and Litho were part of the city guard now and were part of the warrior group placed to control the riots. "This is surely the beginning of the end." Kanar said to his son as they looked on at the fires and smoke in the city.

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