Not Me

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I have a thing for girls

I do like boys too

But I also love to love girls

And that puts me apart from you

I chopped off all my hair today

I don't care what you have to say

That's not why I did it

They tell me only boys can like girls

So I chopped off all my curls

I don't wear frilly or girlish clothing

So that maybe if I pretend to be a boy

My heart's choices won't make you look at me with such loathing

Why am I so wrong

Why is this so bad

For me to have feelings for her?

I continue sadly to play along

Even though it makes me sad

I can't say how I feel about her

Because what I feel inside

Apparently is just not right

I have a boyfriend

He's all right I guess

He asked me out, I said yes

Though, I must confess

There is nothing there

There never will be

But I chopped off my hair

Because what I have to be

Is not me



This is dedicated to a friend of mine who's going through a rough time at the moment. Even though she will never read this, and no one will know who she is who reads this, I hate how things are for her and it troubles me. If you don't approve of homosexuality, don't comment or like. I am a firm believer that love is love and everyone has a right to love whomever they do, no matter if it is a man and a man, a woman and woman, or a man and woman.

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