One: Art Project

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Okay before you read this, this is my first time writing smut and I hope to get much better I am very sorry if it isn't that good!

I sit back in my chair, slouching and glaring at the teacher as she ranted on about art and other useless stuff that I couldn't possibly remember "time for homework!" She shouted way to enthusiastically causing everyone to groan "well it's a project, you need to grab a partner and study body art" I look around the room and cuss under my breath, I loathe most people in this class since most of them are self loving assholes "you will need to write a two page study on  Joanne Gair, and will need to imitate her art on your partner and capture evidence, this will all add up to your final grade so" she clapped her hands grinning "find your partner" she lowered her hands before propping herself back down at her desk, immediately everyone in the class stood shouting across the room.

People pushed chairs out of the way hugging and high fiving their friends sitting down and chatting about things which have nothing to do with the project, I was left slumped in my chair glaring at the immature girls baffling on about others until I felt a hand tug at my shoulder "E-Erm hay could I be your partner, none of my friends are in this class and I guess you look kind of lonely as well I mean there's nothing wrong with being lonely I just you seem not to have a partner and I was yeah coul-" "yes I'll be your partner" I cut him off, chuckling to myself a little "Sorry I get nervous around people I don't know it's Just really awkward and kind of scares me, do you get scared around new people? I do also what's your name? I'm Frank And where will we do the project? I don't have many paint so I gue-" "My names Gerard and we can do it at my dorm on Thursday if that's okay with you?" I questioned smiling warmly at his nervousness "Erm yes yes, that's sounds great, sorry if I talk to much I do that if I'm nervous it's like a reaction yeah so- I'll stop" he cut himself off as the bell went "I'll see you on Thursday" I nod and stood up from my desk leaving the room along with Frank
I yawned shaking my head frantically and jumping back holding my chest as I heard a knock at the door, "must be frank" I mumble to myself walking towards the door and opening it to see no other than Frank standing there "indeed" I smile "what? I mean pardon?" He asked "oh nothing I was talking to myself" I frown to myself realizing how weird that must have made me sound, I stood aside and invited him in. He shuffled inside standing by the cloth I had layed on the floor awkwardly "you can put your bag down anywhere" I state motioning towards his bag "yes yes thank you!" He grinned opening his bag taking out a few brushes and his art book, chucking it to the side after. I walk over to him sitting down on the bed beside him "shall Erm we get started?" He questioned staring at me and tilting his head almost expectantly "yes we shall" I nod smiling, I take the paint brush from his hands and take my own from the counter "shirt off please" I say softly "wait Wha- oh yeah of course" I laugh a little as he removes his shirt. I turn and glare at him, I take in every detail of his body admiring his few tattoos scattered on his chest and upper arms. He wraps his own arms around his stomach insecurely and stumbled over to the cloth.

I begin with blue, I am attempting to do a simple recreation of The famous starry night on him.  He shudders as the cold paint makes contact with his pale skin, the wet paint kept dropping onto his jeans and he frantically wiped it off everytime and my hand is extremely shaky from have nothing to lean on "just lay down so the paint drips onto the floor and I can keep a steadier hand" I push his shoulder slightly as he agrees silently laying down trying not to smudge what I have already done.

I sit next to him and begin to paint again. I huff everytime I Accidentally smudge the paint with my forearm which I keep having to do over, I choose to put up with it until I finished his chest and begin on his stomach "you're a very good painter" he suddenly says staring at the ceiling "thank you, I hope to become an artist of some sort" I smile as he closes his eyes. I groan loudly as I smudge the paint on his stomach "fuck!" I curse suddenly causing him to jump slightly, I shuffle over and put my leg over him to straddle his hips. I look up at him and his eyes immediately snap open to look at me "is this alright?" I ask biting the inside of my cheek "y-yes that's fine" I sigh in relief "I just need a better angle" I choke out leaning back down and continuing to do strokes of blue paint across his stomach along with trails of black.

I lean back smiling and admiring my barley finished work, if I'm honest it isn't the best I've done but I'm slightly proud. I shuffle around on his hips to get a better spot, he whines aloud quickly covering his mouth with his hand "d-don't move like that p-please" he blushes a bright red avoiding my gaze I frown to myself a little thinking for a good thirty seconds, a smirk played at my lips as I grind down hard into his hips causing him to whimper and claw at the cloth "A-ah fuck" he stutters out pushing me off of his hips, I scoot forwards towards him and lift his chin up with my two fingers pressing my lips to his. He tangles his fingers in my hair tugging it back slightly and groaning against my lips, he flips us over so I'm on my back and he is hovering over me. I frown at his sudden dominant side he's too awkward to be dominant, I go to flip us back over until he rolls his hips down into mine hard "a-ah Frank" I whine out blushing a deep red, he leans downs and latches his lips to my neck sucking at the pale sensitive  skin. I gasp slightly and he trails he tongue along my jawline and causing me to shudder "beautiful boy" he chokes out running a hand down my stomach, I break away to throw away my shirt before pulling him back in and smashing my lips against his, he forces his tongue into my mouth causing me to moan. He fiddled with the buckle of my belt and pushing my jeans around my thighs, I help him and throw my jeans aside along with his not long after. He sucks at my tongue and trails a hand down my stomach, he plays with the waistband of my boxers then cups me through my boxers and begins to palm me slowly tugging my boxers down.

He chucks my boxers aside and I thrust upwards hoping to get any kind of friction "frisky are we now baby boy" he teases tearing his under wear away "please frankie" I grunt out and he responds by running his fingers along my entrance "n-no I just want you" I state wrapping my legs around his waist, he wraps his hand around himself using his precome as lube "it's going to hurt at first" he warns and I nod in response. He slowly pushes into me causing me to whine loudly digging my fingers into his back "a-ah ow" I didn't expect it to hurt this much, the immense pain rushed over me and fuck it hurt. "Y-you can move now" I whimper as he slowly starts to thrust in and out of me, the pain soon washed over and is replaced with pleasure. He pulls out fully before slamming back into me hitting my prostate dead on "oh fuck! Frankie right there please!" I moan out arching my back and throwing my head back, he thrusts in and out of me fast hitting my prostate everytime nothing but moans and groans slipping from my mouth, he reaches a hand up to wrap around my erection and pump me "f-fuck I'm going to com-" I cut myself off by releasing into his hand covering his hand and our stomaches, he comes soon after along with a mixture of moans.

He collapses on top of me mixing come, paint and swear all over our stomaches
"I've never had an art project quite like this"

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