Five: Roomate + important note

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okay so I just wanted to apologize for this update being so late and so shitty, I was working on a couple of oneshots such as Fem gee and stuff but all my drafts and notes got deleted. I apologize and the next one shot will be feminine Gerard. Please enjoy [even though this was rushed and very short] and leave suggestions in the comments- Josh

Gee rolled his hips back onto Frank causing him to moan out and buck his hips up into his ass "O-Oh f-frankie" he moaned, bouncing on franks lap until his legs began to shake and ache leaving Frank to take over. Frank grabbed Gee's thighs harshly, lifting him up slightly and slamming back up into him causing both of them to groan in pleasure before both stopping as the sound of the apartment door opening hit them "oh fuck Erm- shit, pretend you're asleep" Frank resorted to, grabbing the blanket next to them from where they were previously cuddling. Covering their body's and pulling Gee's head to his chest "yo guys!" A familiar voice almost sung. It was Patrick, Frank's roommate. Frank frowned to himself slightly, what the fuck was Patrick doing back? He was meant to be on this big anniversary date with Pete "hey trick, aren't you meant to be out with Pete?" He whispered, running a hand through a Gee's hair desperately trying not to move his hips in the slightest because he was still buried deep inside Gerard and moving wouldn't be good on any of their sakes. "Oh we had the date and we decided to go back home instead of going home together since his family still don't know he is gay" Patrick shrugged, plopping himself down onto the spot next to Frank and Gerard "hey Ge-" "he's asleep" Frank whispered, putting his fingers up to his lips to tell Patrick to hush up and silently hoping he would just go back to his room so he could finish fucking him. "Oh sorry dude, what ya watching?" He asked, his eyes fixated on the tv screen "Watership down.." Frank trailed off, shuffling ever so slightly and biting his lip harshly "oh I love that film! Isn't that the one with all the bunnies and shit!" Patrick shouted, throwing his arms in the air and Gerard must have took that as an opportunity and jolted his hips forward, whimpering quietly into Frank's chest "F-fuck yeah, the one with all the rabbits" Frank finally replied, grinning in Patrick's direction and thanking God that he didn't hear the breathy moan lacing his words.

After about five minutes of painfully waiting for Patrick to go back to his room Gee was growing painfully needy and needed to move, so he did He pushed down ever so slightly causing Frank to groan "S-SO! how was the date?" Frank asked quickly his eyes widening as Gerard discretely lifted himself ever so slightly and dropped back down "Frank.." He whimpered at the feeling and Frank coughed harshly to cover his moans "it was good.." Patrick trailed off, glaring at Frank whos head was tilted back ever so slightly and mouth agape "you okay dude?" Patrick asked, frowning "Y-yeah just tired" he resorted to, yawning loudly and over exaggeratedly as gee rolled his hips down into him and Frank groaned embarrassingly loudly, his hands shooting up to grip his hips under the blankets to stop his movements "O-oh God I'm so tired I might p-pass out" Frank let out a long sigh looking at Patrick whos eyes were widened as he shook his head "God Frank you're acting weird go to bed, I'll wake Gerard up so you can sleep" Patrick frowned, leaning forward. Frank's hand shot up to grab his wrist "no no it's fine I can do it!" He almost shouted and Patrick retracted his hand, standing up from the sofa and shaking his head "well I'm going to get dressed, we can watch this sick horror film I saw yesterday when I get back" he nodded as Patrick left the room and Gerard immediately went back to bouncing on Frank's laps, taking him down to the base and moaning loudly. Frank threw his head back in ecstasy and rolled his hips up as Gee's came down "Frankie!" Gee cried out, slamming down onto Frank and coming onto his stomach, slowly rocking his hips back and forward as Frank came soon after, thrusting in shallowly riding out their highs before pulling out and running a hand through Gee's hair "we should go get cleaned up, Patrick will be back any minute and he won't be happy to see come on my stomach"

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