Two: Lingering Hate

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Hope you enjoy the update sorry it took a while!
I'm at the back of the class, crossing my arms and leaning back on my chair, I kick the wood covering the front of the table and huff. I've been sat next to Frank Iero, the school douche who everyone despises. The smell of nicotine and self loving is pungent around him and honestly I loathe it, he always picks on me in the hallways to impress his 'friends'. He leans over closer to me snatching the paper from infront of me "so what we doing Hm?" He almost demanded, turning to face me and propping himself up on the palm of his hand "about longitudinal waves and transitions" I state, rolling my eyes at his ignorance as he stares at me in complete what "we've been learning it for the past two weeks Frank, don't be stupid" I take the paper from his hand and point towards the first question. "E-Erm hay Frank could I borrow a pen?" A nervous boy asked infront of us turning around fully avoiding franks eyes, Frank shuffled around in his pocket before speaking "one Sec.. Oh wait sorry I forgot that I don't give a shit and you should turn the fuck around before I make you!" The boy whimpers slightly and turns away. I stare at Frank and turn my nose. He really is a dick. "I just won't do anything, we are at the back of the class the teacher wont give a shit if I just sit here. Hell she won't even fucking notice if I murdered someone, so no work for me" I glare at him "mind your language" I spat "aw sorry gee, I didn't mean to offended your young virgin ears" he says almost mockingly "you can't just assume I'm a virgin" I mumble, lying. I'm a virgin because I'm too scared to have sex and second of all everyone I know is taken and straight so I'll just stick to being a virgin, after all I'm only 16 "don't be stupid I know you are" I just sigh angrily in response getting a little irritated at him "what about that pretty girl Lindsey huh?" He teases knowing I used to like her "Lindsey and Gerard, huh sure does fit doesn't it!" He almost shouts throwing his hands into the air, he leans in getting really close to my face, I can feel his hot breath against my neck "too bad she's dating your brother now isn't it gee?" He whispers "hay shut your fucking mouth before I shut it for you!" I shout, standing and throwing my chair back forcefully. Everyone turned to look at me. My cheeks turned bright red and I snapped my head round to glare at Frank, instead of the sorry expression I was hoping for. He sat there a grin on his face and he wiped his eyes mockingly, I gritted my teeth and done the first thing that came to mind. I slapped him. And I slapped him hard, right round the cheek at full power causing his head to coil back and his hand to hold his probably throbbing cheek, the class fell silent and a couple of people gasped. I storm out of the class hearing snickers behind me as I left.

I head to the boys bathroom, I plan to lock myself in there for a while until a teacher comes down and I have to explain why the fuck I slapped Frank. Honestly I'm not in the mood to get told off. Also no doubt Frank will probably beat the shit out of me after school. I swing the boys bathroom door open and lean over the sink smashing my hand down on the sink angrily.

It was a good ten minutes before I heard foot steps coming towards the bathroom, I sigh and wait for the teacher to storm in and give me a lecture that I would never forget but to my dismay the door swung open and there stood Frank. "Why the fuck did you slap me huh!?" He shouted and shit he's scary, he balled up his fist and gritted his teeth. My eyes dart to the ground trying to ignore Frank, I look up at him for an instant as he storms towards me. I take a few steps back, putting my arms behind me searching for a wall making sure I didn't trip.

He pushed me up against the wall by the collar of my shirt and snarled at me "who do you think you are?! No one can fucking slap me especially you" he spat, staring at me. I attempt to push him away but he grips my wrists and forcefully pins them against the wall above my head. I can feel him heavily breathing against my neck and I'm not going to lie it was pretty hot, the way his body is so close to mine and me pinned up against the wall.
Frank looks down at my problem then snaps his head back up to see me "are you seriously getting turned on by this?!" He shouts causing me to whimpers and shake my head frantically "N-no that's weird!" I shout back at him, my cheeks flush a bright red and my eyes widen as I feel his hand gently cup my crotch and start to Palm me. I melt into his touch and whine needily "you're such a whore" he spat before smashing his lips into mine. I moan immediately, blushing hard "do you want me to fuck you up the wall until your legs are shaking and the whole school knows my name?" I gulp and he forced his tongue into my mouth "of course you do you slut" he snarled pushing me further up the wall,I groan and start to unbuckle his belt. He breaks the kiss to throw his shirt aside along with mine. He begins to unbuckle my trousers and shucks them along with our other clothes leaving us both in our boxers, I feel extremely exposed in my boxers in the boys bathroom where literally anyone could walk in at anytime. Frank breaks me from my thoughts by grinding up into me hard causing me to gasp and whine out, I flash him a glance and see a smirk playing at his lips "I don't have lube or a condom you know" he points out palming me roughly through my boxers slowly pulling them down, I frown. This is going to be painful. He pushed my boxers down to my ankles and grinned, he slid two of his finger in my mouth as I lapped my tongue around them before he swiftly pulled them out and pushed one against my entrance, I scrunched up my face ready for the pain. He slid one in and I whined out, the pained ran through me causing me to whimper. He kissed up and down my neck protectively before sliding another finger into me. I groaned out as he scissored me and the pain was immense "I hope this makes up for what I said" he whispered "y-you're still a dick" I cough out without thinking, he lifts my legs up and wraps them around his waist and he quickly pulled his fingers out and slammed into me and fuck it hurt "don't talk to me like that princess or you'll regret it" he bottomed out "d-don't call me P-princess" I groaned out as he fully pulled out and slammed into me again, I squeaked throwing my head back the pain starting to wash away and he roughly pounded into me "fuck fuck fucking" he moaned out rolling his hips up into mine, I moan loudly as he pulls gently at my hair.

I feel a hot feeling in the pit of my stomach as he wraps his hand around my leaking erection pumping me. I cuss under my breath as I come in his hand and on his stomach, he continued to pound up into my ass soon real song inside of me riding out our highs.

He pulled out eventually and we cleaned ourselves up getting back into uniform and heading to class "you're the one who is going to explain to miss why we were gone for so long"

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