I Yam, I Yam

19 1 0

dedicated to green eggs and ham.

I am the curiosity that attracts the masses to my museum
I am the fish in the big glass bowl the cat jostles
I am the creature prowling in its cage with the cold eyes staring back at you

You are the masses as they leave with tired feet
You are the paw of the cat that smacks into the water
You are the one staring back at me

I am the child that jumps in rain puddles
I am the bird soaring through the sky
I am the flowers soaking in the sun

You are the puddles that cars splash onto passersby
You are the sky that turns dark and booms loudly
You are the sun that dries up and withers the thirsty ground

I am all that I am
You are what you are

Why is that all we can ever see
Is the one thing we seem to be
Never the three thousand thirty three

Six words spoken so similarly
Exchanged completely silently

Why is it so hard to accept me
And I the you in we

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