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“harry do you know why you’re here?” zayn questioned with his notepad sitting lazily across his lap as he looked upon the boy no older than sixteen.

He had been assigned to work with harry styles after his first doctor left for an early retirement and he had heard there were seven doctors who had previously treated harry but none gave a reason. zayn just believed that perhaps they simply couldn’t handle the complexities of harry and simply resigned. At first zayn didn’t understand or took into consideration why so many doctors stepped down from such an opportunity, they all would have received years of training just like himself. Jobs weren’t easy to come by, even for the medically trained. It was only after he had signed his contract with Transnephros Industries, the world's most elite medical company, did he understand what it was truly like to be a slave of the modern era.

After completing his medical course zayn swept up at the opening in Transnephros the moment it was offered the table. He didn’t think, he was desperate for money and it was all he was given. He would have been a fool to toss it aside.

He remembered his boss telling him on his very first day with a stern voice and sour face, “The things that happen here, stay within these walls.” zayn had thought he had been referring to the patient and doctor confidentially but it was far from it.

“My name isn’t harry” stated the boy in a monotonous tone and a blank expression. That blank expression hadn’t changed once the moment he had stepped into zayn’s office.

“Then what’s your name?” zany pondered as he watched him blink off into the distance.

“curly ”

“curly?” zayn repeated


“but What’s wrong with harry?” zayn asked gently as he saw harry’s attention slowly being drawn towards him.

harry repeated the question in a low mumble and replied, “Parents are poison. I hate my parents. I don’t want anything they gave me. Harry was the name they gave me. I don’t want that. harry is dead. He died the moment they didn’t even try to stop the men in grey as they took me away. They cried and held each other. No one held harry so harry died.”

“I’m sorry to hear harry is dead,” zayn consoled as he settled his notepad on his table beside him in his cosy little office.

harry blinked up at him with confusion, the first expression aside from blank zayn had seen all day.

“Is something wrong curly?”

harry bit his lip and muttered, “No one ever feels sorry for harry.. You are the first.”

zayn frowned slightly, “That’s very sad to hear. I’m sure harry was a very happy and good boy.”

“He was,” harry muttered.

“curly, do you know why you’re here?” dr.zayn repeated.

He didn’t expect an answer. In all the years harry had been kept in the hospital, no matter what treatment was given to him there was never a reply. In fact the amount of noise zayn had managed to poke out of harry was a miracle in itself. He was the first to ever get him to speak more than two seconds.

“I’m here because of louis. Everyone tells me the reason why I’m here is because of louis” harry explained.

“What did Louis do?” zany had no recollection of that name ever mentioned in harry’s files but he refused to write the new information in his notepad. He wanted to earn the boy’s trust. If he scribbled all his secrets on a piece of paper he would destroy all possible efforts.

harry sighed, “Nothing. Louis didn’t do anything. He’s my friend and we were happy together. He comes to visit me sometimes.”

Zayn knew harry didn’t have any visitors, even his own parents hadn’t even bothered to show up. “Where is louis now and what do you mean were?”

harry pointed at the office door, “He’s waiting outside for me but he doesn’t want to come inside.”

“Is Louis shy?” Zayn asked as he added softly, “Is that why he doesn’t want to come inside? I promise you I won’t hurt him.”

“He’s scared of this place. He tells me it stinks of blood,” harry stated as he added with a dismal look plastered across his face, “The white coats said that too. They said ‘We won’t hurt you harry. You’re in safe hands harry.’ But they hurt me with the pills. They hurt me with the needles. They hurt me everywhere so they could ‘fix’ me but nothing happened. The doctors before didn’t help me either. They just hook me up to machines and jab me with drugs. Everyone calls me 21. You are the first to call me curly. I am not 21. I am not harry. I am curly.”

Zany sighed and leaned forward in his seat so he could look into harry’s eyes. He could see how uncomfortable it made the boy feel as he recoiled at the intimacy but zayn wanted to make sure he understood that he was being serious. zayn would make sure harry would leave the hospital free of pain.

“I promise you curly that whenever you are with me, you will be safe. I will never hurt you. I promise to take care of you.”

harry burst into a fit of hysterical laughter.


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