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Screams echoed through the hallway as harry’s voice quavered for mercy. Zayn could hear the suffering and agony the seventeen year old boy was going through and yet there was nothing he could do. If he dared to interfere it would result in his immediate resignation from Transnephros Industries which mean the termination of his medical licence and more importantly, his life.

Zayn was not your routine doctor, he was hired by Transnephros Industries to watch over patients or what many had called subjects. He was in charge of the health and wellbeing of the subjects but he was not allowed to interfere with the work of the scientific team, it was in his contract. No matter what horrific experiment the team ran, Zayn was only permitted to sit by and watch or in most cases, listen.

“Stop!” pleaded harry as he shrieked, “Stop it hurts!”

He could hear harry cry and screech in agony as the large gauge needle was extracting the much needed bone marrow and the precious stem cells that came along with it. Hearing the shrieks was like taking stake to the heart, thick splintering stakes. It always left Zayn feeling raw and vulnerable. When he signed up for the job he did not expect torture to be a part of his repertoire but there was nothing he could do. Society didn’t care about the health of a small handful of mentally unstable individuals. What society cared about was the poor dying child in hospital who desperately needed a bone marrow donor or perhaps that middle aged smoker who needed a pair of new lungs. harry or Subject 21 as many called him was one of the many neglected people those cells were harvested from.

Where were the parents of the people locked up in the so called ‘hospital’? Zayn had asked himself time and time again.

The answer was simple; they had abandoned their children in absolute horror because they had no love for the mentally unsound. They believed they had given birth to some sort of demon and abandonment was all they could do to fix it. Ignoring the problem was not a resolution.

What made matters worse was the torture, Zayn refused to call it experiments or harvesting, it was torture. The pain and suffering only added to the unstable foundations of the young fragile minds. Zayn remembered the first day he had met harry and how calm he was, sure he was a little detached from the world but he had been subject to that torture for so many weeks prior Zayn meeting him. It was just a little taste of how catastrophic his mind could become. Zayn had witnessed firsthand how twisted and fragile the mind was and it killed him to know it would be almost impossible to fix.

At the very least the subjects should be placed under anaesthesia, Zayn had once thought but that was entirely thrown off the table by everyone around him. Anaesthesia costed money and an entire team to maintain the anaesthesia would be needed. Transnephros Industries wanted to cut costs and the pain of the subjects who society had thought to be decrepit was sacrificial enough.

“We’re done,” one of the cowardly scientists announced to Zayn, “We’ll come back next month to extract some more.”

“Don’t hurry,” Zayn muttered angirly

“21 knocked himself out from all the screaming so if you want me to wake him so you can–”

“No,” Zayn interrupted, “No, let him sleep. Let him rest."

" you may leave now ” zayn turned around,not having the tolerance to look at the man's irritating face.

hi :) looks like i'm talking with a wall but whatever ! so what do you think about the story so far ? it might seem confusing but it's only Temporary ! share your idea and leave your comment thank you :)x

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