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Poised and patient harry waited for zayn to return. He strained his ears to listen and hear the footsteps that clicked and clacked past his room. None of them belonged to zayn. He knew when the taps against the cold hard floor belonged to zayn.

He recognized the rhythm and noted how he walked. zayn never dragged his feet, he always lifted his entire foot and strode down on his heel a little forcefully and moved his foot so that the very last thing to leave the ground where his toes.

harry didn’t know when he picked that up; he just noticed after hearing a particular set of taps and soon followed the appearance of zayn.that is when harry’s smile appears.

The light peered through the high windows and seeped down upon harry’s room. He watched the lights cast strange shadows across his fingers. He held his hands up and played with the lights, wondering what it was like to be outside. harry could always climb up the walls and look out the windows but he always chose not to.

He had stopped wanting to look when louis went away. harry was worried that if he looked outside he would see him and they would break out into another argument again. curly hated fighting; it always reminded him of all the bad things.

The outside world was always something buried deep within harry’s mind. He had always imagined a place green and lush,completely opposite to what he had grown accustomed with. The hospital he was in was bright with white.

Everything was white and harry soon learnt to hate that colour. That was why he liked zayn so much. zayn was dark. His eyes were dark brown, his clothes were dark,his hair was dark. nothing about him reminded him of the hospital he was in. Nothing except that white coat zayn wore.

It was always a dream of harry’s to see zayn without the disturbingly crisp white lab coat. He often dreamt of the same dream time and time again.

He would always find himself sitting in front of zayn and zayn would be giving him that saddened expression that masked the glint of something mysterious in his eyes.

harry would ask him to close his eyes and zayn did so obediently. harry watched zayn’s chest rise and fall as he waited patiently for harry. harry edged a little closer and curled his fingers around the collar of that sickening coat.

He slowly unbuttoned each clasp and peeled the coat away from zayn’s shoulders. harry always made sure to look upon zayn’s face as he did so. He was always worried that he might accidently scare his most cherished person.

But zany never faltered. He remained sitting perfectly still as harry removed the coat he hated so much. Once it was in his hands, he threw it as far across the valley as he could. zayn of course continued to keep his eyes closed, looking so delicate against the backdrop.

harry would ask zayn to raise his hand and silently he did as requested. harry took a moment to look at the hand with all its digits.

He wondered how many lives that man had saved. He wondered how many times he had accidentally taken a life. It didn’t matter to harry, what mattered to him was that he was there for him for the rest of his life. harry placed his palm against zayn’s and held his breath at the contact. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he managed to muster enough courage to curl his fingers around zayn’s hands. zayn also returned the gesture, making curly smile like always.

harry would then creep a little closer towards him. In fact he would be so close to him that he was practically straddling the man who sat perfectly still with his eyes shut. he would then flutter his eyes at him, taking the moment to absorb the beauty sitting before him.

he leaned in close and rested his chin against zayn’s shoulders. He let out a sigh as he snaked his arms around zayn’s body. zayn would remain still with his eyes still shut.

harry would lick his lips when his eyes paused upon zayn’s. He would watch zayn’s unmoving lips for a moment. He would always want to kiss it. He had wanted to kiss them for such a long time. But he couldn’t do it. Something inside him would then begin to gnaw at him. Something inside him would whisper into his ear ‘Escape with me curly.’ he knew that voice belonged to louis.

‘No,’ harry would always mutter back and always zayn would open his eyes and frown at him.

‘What’s wrong?’ he would ask but harry wouldn’t hear him. He would be too busy with trying to block louis out of his mind.

‘Come with me curly,’ louis would whisper, ‘Come with me. Don’t go with zayn. zayn is not good.he hurts you’

‘You’re jealous!’ harry would shout and clam his ears shut, ‘Jealous because I have zee!’

And harry would always wake up afterwards either knotted with his blankets or lying on the cold hard floor after a restless sleep. harry would always sit up and repeat the last words louis had asked him before he left, ‘Do you really?’

harry both hated and loved dreaming. He hated the anger that would consume him whenever he woke but he cherished the little moments he had with zayn. He always wanted them to be real. He always wanted to kiss him just once but he wouldn’t be able to.

“curly?” zayn asked from the doorway.

harry jumped at the sight of him. He had been so caught up with his thoughts that he didn’t even hear the tapping of zayn’s leather shoes against the floor. He made a mental note to pay more attention next time. His sudden panic was quickly eased at the sight of zayn walking over to him on the bed.

“Is something wrong curly?” he asked with his voice laced with concern.

“No,” harry grinned, “I was just thinking.”

“What were you thinking about?”

he pouted his lips, “My dreams.”

zayn asked in a light voice, “Are they good dreams?”

harry smiled back, “They are always good dreams.”

harry could see the corner of zayn’s lips tilt upwards into a smile but it never reached his eyes, his eyes still looked saddened. harry wanted to see the smile reach his eyes at least once. “curly, can you come with me? There’s something I have to do before we leave or else the other doctors will come find us.”

“Of course ,” harry beamed as zayn slowly reached over for his hand.

Then zayn did something harry had never seen before; he wrapped his fingers around harry’s hand. harry had to look down at their interlocked hands several times before it processed in his mind. He was actually holding zayn’s hand,.. correction; ZAYN was holding his hand.

you guys might be a little confused and have some questions but i'll explain everything at the end..




love ya <33

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