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zayn wondered past the room he had grown so familiar with. harry was sound asleep despite it being the middle of the day. He peered through that thick glass window that divided the hall from harry’s safe confinements or what zayn often referred to, his prison.

He watched harry’s chest rise and fall. Seeing him sleep was one of the few times zayn could safely say was a time he was completely sane. All the complexities that moulded and meshed into that brain to create what harry was, had all made sense in the world of dreams. The erratic expression eased into a state of calm and his illogical slurs finally silenced. zayn could tell harry dreamt of good things.

He believed harry could only dream of good things, he didn’t think it was possible for him to have a nightmare. Of course it was not possible for harry to ever conjure something as frightening as reality itself. Not even those people who had been labelled crazy could ever create such hell on earth, yet those who claimed to be sane where the very ones who shaped it.

Zayn took his key and unlocked harry’s door as he entered it as silently as he could. The last thing he wanted was to wake and disturb harry. He shut the door behind him and wondered over to harry’s bed where he continued to sleep, completely unaware of Zayn’s presence.

He noticed how harry’s blanket was kicked off during his slumber and the tiny hairs on his arms stood on end as he shivered silently. From the outside zayn couldn’t tell he was cold, it was only until he entered harry’s realm did he take notice of the finer things.

He plucked the blanket from the floor and brushed out any dirt or dust that might have rubbed off on it. zayn then settled the blanket over his patient, making sure it covered every part of his exposed skin.

The moment it made contact with harry’s skin, he stopped shivering. zayn peered over to make sure he hadn’t been sweating up a fever but no, he was simply cold. harry wasn’t sick, he was just cold.

zayn looked over at the bedside table where a cheap plastic cup sat all on its lonesome. He peered into it, expecting it to be empty when in fact he saw a small pool of pills sitting at the very bottom.

he was meant to be taking the prescribed medication zayn gave him along with the drugs given from the scientific team to speed up his healing time or perhaps they were all experimental drugs, zayn wasn’t sure but it didn’t matter since harry didn’t seem to have touched his medicine. zayn shifted the cup side to side to see the full contents of the cup and noticed something very peculiar. harry had taken one particular pill, the one he had prescribed.

The drugs given by those harry had called ‘white coats’ were completely untouched. zayn knew it was wrong but he couldn’t help himself. If no one was going to help the helpless, he would take matters into his own hands.

He poured the drugs into his pocket and returned the plastic cup back onto its place on the bedside table. zayn would dispose of the drugs for harry. He had suffered so much in the few years he existed; it was about time something pleasant happened to him.

zayn just hoped he wouldn’t regret it a day.

A/n : hi guys :) i want to thank you for supporting this story it means a lot,hope you enjoy and sorry if this chapter was too short sorry sorry,i promise the next chapter will be better :D,

,please share your comments and let me know what you think of the story so far xxis there anyone who can guess the ending ? 

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