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zayn was in the middle of his lunch break and figured it was best he went off to visit harry in his room. He had been putting off visiting him as much as he could that day because of a suspicion swimming in his mind. In fact it wasn’t a suspicion, he knew but he liked to pretend that he didn’t know, he wanted to give harry the benefit of the doubt.

zayn could see the look in harry’s green eyes. zayn could feel the fluttering. He knew that harry liked him and yet he pretended to act as if he didn’t know.

It would do harry more harm than good if zayn ever bothered to announce it out loud. The embarrassment might be the one thing to tip fragile harry over the edge. The last thing zayn wanted was harry to do anything drastic.

If he acted as if he had no idea, harry would continue the way he was. There would be no dramas and perhaps it would benefit harry in the long run. At least by having a silly crush on zayn, he would have something to distract his thoughts.

 The one thing he didn’t have enough of was distractions. zayn knew that harry had just finished another ‘harvest’ and would be incredibly fragile, the least he could do was show up and lighten his mood.

He had peered into harry’s room just like he had always done but that particular day a blond nurse was sitting in front of him with a bowl of greyish gruel.

She pushed the bowl towards harry and handed him a plastic spoon. She said something zayn couldn’t quite hear but neither did harry as he stared into the bowl before him.

zayn didn’t need to be inside to know that harry didn’t want to eat whatever the woman was offering. His depressed frown was enough. The sight of harry holding up the spoon in his trembling hands only made matters worse.

zayn could see the shaking; the spoon was hardly in the control of harry, despite it sitting in his hand. Clearly whatever drugs they had given him for the procedure hadn’t quite worn off yet or perhaps it was a new one, zayn wasn’t sure.

“I don’t want,” harry mumbled through his frown.

The nurse continued to persist, urging him to eat. zayn knew that the nurse didn’t care if harry ate. She only cared if he was severely malnourished, which zayn knew he wasn’t or if there was some kind of medication hidden within the disgusting gruel.

The taste can’t have been too appetizing as harry managed to get a smear of gruel onto his spoon and winced at it the moment it touched his tongue.

Seeing harry so distressed drew the last straw within zayn as he knocked on the door a little too forcefully and hard.

He shouldn’t show his emotions in front of others, he had to prove to them that he was just as cold and desolate as them.he couldn’t let anyone know.

He didn’t wait for the nurse to reply as he opened the door. The moment he emerged he saw harry’s eyes light up enthusiastically, despite his trembling hands rattling against the table. zayn however paid no attention to harry as he turned to the nurse.

She seemed confused by his sudden appearance since he was still technically on his lunch break.

“Is something the matter doctor?” she questioned.

zayn tried not to scoff at her as he replied, “No, I was just visiting my favourite patient. I was in this near the wing so I decided why not come visit? I hope I wasn’t disturbing anything.”

“zayn can never interrupt. Things interrupst zayn”

harry spoke out in a strained voice, making zayn want to run up to him and coddle him.

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