Chapter One: Meeting Uncle Paul

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    It was about three thirty in the afternoon. And I was still unpacking, my clothes but it didn't help when Aunt Mill and I talked all afternoon. Only now I could unpack my things, I was almost done, I had started finishing laying my PJ's and my old teddy bear on the bed. Wow I had just noticed the bathroom opens into my bed room. I heard a car locked up, I peeked out my window. Was that Uncle Paul? I asked myself. Wow why did Uncle Paul look so familiar, I had seen him before but I could put my finger on it.

"Liv can you come down for a minute?" I heard Aunt Mill's voice, I started racing down the fifteenth hard wood stairs and into the kitchen.

"Yes Aunt Mill," I walked into the kitchen to see Aunt Mill was cooking dinner.

"Can you help me dear?" She asked me.

"Yea I can." I smiled helping Aunt Mill. I heard the door unlock, it must be Uncle Paul coming in.

"Paul is that you?" Aunt Mill asked.

"Yes Love it is." I heard Paul's voice.

"Liv is here." Aunt Mill said as she turned around to face Uncle Paul.

"Well hello Liv." The husky man said.

"Hello Uncle Paul?" I asked rising my dark eye brows.

"Yes it's me." Uncle Paul said.

"Good thing your home early." Aunt Mill was back to work on dinner.

"Why?" I asked for Paul who left the kitchen to go upstairs.

"Because I wanted a special supper for Liv." Aunt Mill spinned around to see Paul was gone.

"Really for me?" I asked Aunt Mill. She nodded.

"Why does that man walk away from me, some days?" She asked me.

"Maybe he needs a shower?" I heard the water running from the shower.

"Maybe?" Aunt Mill turned around to work on supper again.


I had put my iPod on, I was listening to my One Direction playlist and I was dancing around to the music. Aunt Mill was almost done with dinner and Uncle Paul was done his shower, I heard him walking down the stairs.

"Oy! Liv watch where you are going!" Uncle Paul told me.

"Sorry Uncle Paul," I blushed.

"What are you listening too?" Uncle Paul asked.

"One Direction," I blushed again I wasn't sure what he was going to say.

"Does every girl dream of meeting them?" Uncle Paul asked me.

"Yes, it's on my bucket list to meet them one day, I don't care when it is." I smiled at him. Not like I was going to ever meet them, I never got my hopes up.

"Really is that so?" Uncle Paul asked sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Yes, and I still can't believe Father and Mum are going to be way for my birthday." I said a little upset, They didn't even know of my birthday did they?

"Really dear is that so?" Uncle Paul asked as I sat beside him at the table.

"Yup' July Sixteenth." I said stopping the song then turning off my iPod. Then put it in my pocket. Aunt Mill had started to put three plate down and then three forks and knives. I looked at the plate, it had carrots, mash potatoes, and some meat. I started eating supper fast, I was always hungry.

"Liv you remind me of a person I work for." Uncle Paul smiled at me. I laughed at him.

"Yeah I am always hungry, food is my main best friend." I laughed.

"I guess I should tell my client that." Uncle Paul chuckled at me and Aunt Mill just smiled.

"Yes if it was Niall Horan I would say Food is his main best friend." I laughed, but I was the only one to laugh, Aunt Mill and Uncle Paul just stared at me weird.

"What are you staring at, is my hair that bad?" I asked them.

"No? You sound like another client I work for." Uncle Paul looked at me still.

"Yes, yes some days I am as bad as Zayn Malik." I pointed out. They still stared at me.

"Liv can I tell you something?" Uncle Paul asked me. I nodded slowly nervous to what he was going to say.

Uncle Paul (A One Direction/ Niall FF)Where stories live. Discover now