Chapter Twenty: World Tour

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It has been two weeks that Uncle Paul and I hadn't talked about Niall. I knew he was only trying to protect me. Over the two weeks I heard Uncle Paul and the boys were going on a world tour.

"But Uncle Paul why can't I go with you?" I whined like a little girl.

"Because I told you, you can't." Uncle Paul said before walking closer to the door.

"But please!" I was begging on my knees.

"Oh Paul let her go it would be good for her." Aunt Mill said,

"Fine you can but no falling in love with the boys," Uncle Paul said.

"Thank you thank you!" I squeal as I hugged him. I raced up stairs to pack.


   Before I knew it we were on and plane. It was their private plane. Before I knew it days when pasted and it was almost my birthday, on my birthday we would be in Ireland. Niall's home, yeah I was so happy I could spend my birthday with the lads.


"So," I said walking into the airport.  Uncle Paul and the other security were keeping the fans back. I heard whispers to like what she is doing with the boys and stuff.

"So what?" Zayn asked as all the lads were walking together.

"So guess what tomorrow is?" I asked hopeful.

"You’re going to have Louis day?" Louis asked hopeful, I shook my head no.

"You’re going to have an Harry day?" Harry asked, I shook my head no.

"You’re going to have a Liam day?" Liam asked, I laughed at him.

"Would you stop with the days?" Zayn and Niall said together.

"It's here birthday," Zayn and Niall said together again.

"Yeah you’re right," I smiled, as Uncle Paul was running to keep up. We were walking to the doors of the airport. I knew more fans were going to whisper, I didn't care.

Uncle Paul (A One Direction/ Niall FF)Where stories live. Discover now