Chapter Ten: Dares

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  We had taking our pizza's to the living room.  We all sat down in a circle.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Louis said slowly.

"Okay why not?" We all said slowly.

"Louis goes first." I commented.

"Truth or Dare?" I asked.

"Okay truth!" Louis said.


"Okay Liv Truth or Dare?" Harry asked me.

"Truth." I said slowly.

"Okay have you ever kissed a boy?" Harry asked slowly, them all looked at me, with wide eyes.

"Um, No." I said slowly.

"Oh okay." Liam said.

"My change to ask Liv something, you have beening picking truth all night, so now you have an dare." Louis said slowly.

"Okay," I nodded worried.

"I dare you to kiss the three top boys you like, going from the to okay your hot, okay I like you!" Louis said.

"Oh you have to do one tonight," Louis said looking at me.

"But it must be in private." Harry said winking at me.

"Oh okay then?" I looked at Sarah, and she just laughed at me.

"So now what I am done with this." I walked into the kitchen alone, to get water. I started to think who I was going to kiss first.  Plus one had to be tonight.

"Hey Liv do you like Lou's dare?" I heard a voice behind me.

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