Chapter thirteen: Lies with you

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"Liv?" I heard a husky voice, I closed the door quietly. Before I could wake Niall up.

"Yes?" I turned around to see Liam standing there, in an shirt and shorts, my guess he had just put the shorts on, they looked way too clean.

"Liv what were you doing in Niall's room?" Liam asked slowly.

"Well I couldn't sleep, I had a bad dream, and well that's were I go when I have an bad dream, and-" I started to say.

"I don't think that's the only reason," Liam cut me off.

"Okay whatever," I said walking back into my room, I heard Liam laughing as he watched me, mess up my bed.

"Liv is that you?" Sarah asked slowly, I saw Liam when into Niall's room.

"Yea why?" I asked. I saw Liam and Niall walk out of Niall's room.

"Okay what time is it," She said trying to get up.

"It's Seven, why?" I asked as Liam left Niall standing in the door frame of my room.

"Really, Okay I am up." Sarah said, as I looked at Niall.

"Liv why does your bed look so clean, like you never sleep in it?" Sarah asked.

"What are you talking about I slep in my own bed!" Niall and I started giggling at each other.

"What so funny?" Harry had just woken up.

"Nothing," Niall and I said at the same time. I walked over to Niall; we started laughing over heads off. Niall started going down the stairs, I was following him.

"That was close,” I smiled at him; he was blushing at me again.

"Yeah, it was." Niall laughed his signer laugh.

"Niall thanks again," I hugged him, on the stairs. He smiled.

"No Prob Liv," Niall smiled at me.

"I got catch by Liam," I looked into his baby blue eyes.

"Really what you say to him?" Niall asked as we down the stairs.

"I told him I had a bad dream," I smiled at Niall. Guessing he would know it wasn't a bad dream.

"Yeah," Niall and I laughed, together.

"Liv and Niall sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G!" Louis screamed, at us. We must have wakened him.

"Lou they are not," Harry said looking at us. As Harry walked to us. Harry was leaning into my ear to ask me something.

"Were you?" Harry asked. I shook my head no. Harry smiled as he pulled away. Then we all walked down the stairs to find something to eat.

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