Chapter Eight: Traveling

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It was about noon, we have travel pretty far, without stops. By this time Zayn wake. Louis was still driving, Niall was looking out the window, Harry was being bored and Liam was just looking out the window. And Sarah and I were chatting away.

"So who's your fave one?" Sarah said pointing to an magazine she had with her.

"What are you talking about?" Liam asked turning around so he was in our view.

"Fashion!" Sarah and I giggled as we looked up to see Liam. We really weren't talking about fashion, we were talking about them.

"So which one do you like?" I asked her still not giving her my answer.

"I like this one," She pointed to the picture of Louis Tomlinson.

"So what about you? You haven't answered me," Sarah pointed out.

"I really don't know?" I smiled reservedly.

"Well who is your to-" Sarah was cut off.

"I WANT FOOD!" Niall whined.

"Well ask Liv not me," Louis was looking at the road.

"Fine anyone else want food?" I asked, I was surprised Niall hadn't whined earlier.

"Yes please," Harry said slowly looking at the front cover of the magazine. It had a picture of them.

"I will have one Liv," Liam said slowly.

"Me too!" Louis said still watching the road.

"Me three!"  Zayn said.

"Can I have one too please?" Sarah asked slowly as she and I handed out the food to the boys. There was two left for us.


"Tell me!" Sarah said finishing her food.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want to know!" Sarah cried.

"Okay I will text it too you. Please don't say it out loud." I started texting Sarah my answers.

"Okay!" Sarah was happy again, I could see why she like Louis. She was just like him.

"Liv we are in Berkshire, now how to get to your house?" Louis asked.

"Where are you?" I asked slowly.

"In the car." Louis laughed, Niall giggled too.

"You know that's not what I meant, what road?" I asked. Then he told me the road name.

"Okay you take an right here," I pointed out to him. Moments later he when right.

"Now where?" Louis asked.

"Straight until you hit the kids park," I smiled.

"Ok Left and then an right, pass the basketball hoop." I said thinking, that's was my friend’s house, and I lived three doors down from her.

"Oh and three doors down from the basketball hoop." I laughed, as Liam counted the houses.

"Okay Lou! There." Liam said pointing to the house. My house was green and large but not to large.

"Okay let's go!" Harry said slowly.


It was fifteen minutes after one when we had gotten there. We came into the house. 

"Okay where's our room?" Liam asked slowly. I was thinking I had to find my room, then my parents old room.

"Okay so Niall you can have my parents room," I said smiling, at Niall.

"Why does Niall get that room?" Louis and Harry whined.

"You haven't even seen the room!" I yelled. I started walking up the stairs, it had an baloney, where there was an flip out bed there, someone could sleep there, lucky there is no windows up there because Harry had gotten that.

"Louis you can have that one," I pointed the room by Harry's bed.

"Liam you can have the one next to Niall's," I pointed the room next to my parents room, and in front of mine.

"Zayn you can have the next one besides Harry's and Sarah you can sleep with me, I have a flip out bed in my room." I smiled as Sarah grabbed my arm as we walked into my room. Sarah was unpacking.

"Wow I would have thought you would have more posters on your wall," I heard a voice, it was Harry.

"Why would you think its creepy having so many eyes staring at you?" I asked looking at Harry who was in the door frame of my bed room.

"I guess your right," Harry smiled at me. I noticed Liam was walking over to my room.

"Hey Liam!" I smiled at him, as I walked over to them.

"Hey Liv," Liam smiled as he when down stairs.

"Coming Sarah?" I asked her as Harry left the door frame.

"Yeah!" Sarah nodded as she rose to her feet. As we walked down stair by this time everyone was down stairs in the living room. 

"So what now?" Harry asked.

"I don't know?" I said slowly.

"How about we get some food before Niall goes crazy," Zayn commented.

"Yes good plan," Sarah nodded.

"Liv know any where we can get food?" Liam asked.

"Yes I should think so, because I have lived here for most of my life." I laughed at Liam.

"Okay but where?" Louis asked slowly.

"Down the road, there's a Pizza place," I said slowly I go there with my friends all the time. To study or whatever. Now as long as Riley and Sam where not there.

"Okay call and drive?" Harry asks slowly.

"Yeah I will call while you drive down with me." I said smiling at Harry. I was calling Papa's Pizza.

"Hello Papa's Pizza! How can we service you?" The young boy said.

"Hey can I get two large Pizzas’? Please!" I asked.

"Yes you can, for in, or out?" He asked slowly.

"For out but we are coming down to pick them up." I said happily,

"Lou! Don't play with that!" I heard yelling.

"Would you be quiet? I am on the phone!" I yelled at them.

"Sorry about that, I have my friends over." I laughed.

"That's okay; your total will be 20 pounds." The boys said,

"Oh can I get your name?" He said.

"Yes Liv," I timidly said, hoping he would know me, or my family.

"Oh hey Liv, I am sorry to hear what happen," He said slowly.  Great he did.

"Oh thanks," I rolled my eyes and hung up, and walked back to the living room. Looking at the boys and Sarah. And Harry was waiting for me.

"Okay let's go." I told Harry.

"And if I find anything broken, I will kill you," I said as we walked out of the house and into the car.

Uncle Paul (A One Direction/ Niall FF)Where stories live. Discover now