Chapter Twenty-two: We can't

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Six weeks later.  We traveled all over now we were in America for one last week before I had to leave to the UK.

"Niall I want you to know you will always be my summer love forever and ever and ever and ever." I smiled at him.

"What do you mean?" Niall asked looking into my eyes as we lay together on the sofa. He was playing with my hair.

"Well with me being fifteen and you being almost twenty." I said slowly.

"And well with Uncle Paul, Simon, the pap, and you being a mega pop-" I started to say, but Niall put his two finger on my lips.

"Shhh, let’s make it last." Niall said slowly, kissing my temple.

"But summer doesn't last forever; I have to start a whole new school. Make new friends and meet new people, Niall I am scared to what will happen, I didn't want my parents to die." I had gotten teary eyed.

"Liv don't cry, you will always have us and Sarah, and most things happen for a reason but-" Niall said smiling at me, cutting himself off.

"But if your parents didn't die you would have never met me or the lads." Niall said brushing the hair out of my eyes.

"Yes Niall very true, but we still can never be together, ever one thinks I am too young for you, plus every Directioner in the world dislikes me," I said frowning.

"Liv they will never know about us," Niall reassured me. I must have been smitten over his words because he had made me smile again.

"I just don't want this summer to fade away, I wish we could stay like this forever," I felt a tear rolling down my face. Niall was cleaning it off my face.

"I know you do, I do too." Niall said smiling at me.

"I don't see how Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor does it, how do they last without see them?" I asked thinking of my new friends.

"I don't know but it's hard for the lads too." Niall said slowly looking into my eyes.

"Niall can you promise me one thing?" I asked him.

"What's that love?" Niall asked slowly, cuddling me.

"Do you think you will ever find your princess?" I asked him slowly.

"I already did," He smiled looking at me.

"Niall?" I asked softly, I was tired but didn't want to leave his arms.

"Yes my princess?" He asked cuddling me more.

"Will you ever wait for me?" I asked softly.

"You know what?" Niall said looking into my eyes.

"What Niall?" I asked I started to play with his prefect blonde hair.

"I will promise you something, I will wait for you if you wait for me," Niall was looking deeper into my eyes.

"Okay I promise." I hugged him tightly, as he kissed my temple.

"Now can we just lay here?" Niall asked me.

"Wait can we talk every day, or meet when you are in town with the lads?" I asked.

"I will try but no real promise." Niall said playing with my hair.

"Nialler, I really love you." I smiled at him it was the first time I said it.

"I really love you too." He was reaching for my cheeks, then touching his prefect lips with mine. I really felt the real love between us. I really loved him; I didn't want us to leave on our different paths in life. My eyes started to tear again; the end of summer was breaking my heart. I am sure it was breaking his too. I was in love with a mega pop star.


A/N: Okay I know it's was a little rushed. But I really have to finish it, before I get hills of homework. Sorry, PS SHOUT OUT TO ONE OF MY BFF'S: HAPPY BRITHDAY TO YOURSELF! I LUV YOU! HAHA I HOPE YOU FOUND OUT WHO I REALLY AM! PS Don't tell! xxx

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