Chapter 4

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"Aaaaand done!" the stylist says as she finishes putting a pale pink lipstick on me. I have no idea what they did to my hair but it's all up with beautiful white flowery pins holding it together. They left my bangs down and styled them to the side. I finally look in the mirror and suddenly everything becomes too real. I feel like a princess and I don't know what to say. Tears fill my eyes as I turn to everyone who has helped me today, "thank you guys. I love you."
"We love you too," Jenny says as she comes forward and hugs me. I pull my mom into the hug and soon we're all in one huge group hug.
"Why wasn't I invited?!" Jaehwan screams as he runs into the room. He wraps his arms around the first girl he gets to which happens to be Ellie.
"What are you doing in here?! Get out!" I yell.
All the stylists run to pry him out of the hug and drag him outside.
"What a freak," I chuckle.
"Ugh but he's so cute," Ellie mumbles.
"He really is," Leia agrees.
"Psh not as cute as my Wonsik," I think.
Aetae looks at her watch, "we still have an hour before the ceremony begins..."
"What should we do?" I ask.
"Let's eat!" Daeun suggests.
"What's going on?" Leia asks.
"Food," I respond.
"Yeeeeessssss," Jenny replies. My mom leaves the room and comes back with a plate of little lumpia. We all attack the food and it's gone within minutes. With our appetites a little more satisfied and still a little over 40 minutes to go, we each find a seat.
"Nervous?" mom asks once we've all settled down.
"A little bit... I kinda feel like I'm gonna puke but I'm also just really excited," I reply.
"It's going to be perfect," she assures me. We all talk about the my relationship with Wonsik and about the set up for the wedding. Despite the language barrier Jenny, Ellie and Leia face, we all do a good job of being patient and listening to one another. We joke around about the crazy stuff the boys do and I laugh so hard I cry. I freak out for a second thinking I just ruined my makeup when I was trying to wipe away the tears but it was still perfect.
Before we know it, there's a knock on the door. "It's time," my father says.
"Oh my god... Okay okay, I'm okay," I think to myself as I try to control my breathing.
Everyone takes their place way ahead of me so that no one can see me. I listen to the music for my cue to take position in front of the doors that lead to the aisle. I take my place and look at my dad. I smile nervously and he laughs. "Don't worry sweetie, it's all going to be just fine. Enjoy this special day. I love you so much and I can think of no one better for you than Wonsik," he says.
"Thank you appa," I smile again. He holds out his arm for me to take it and when I do I realize the music for the bridesmaids and groomsmen to walk down the aisle is almost over. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then, the wedding march begins and the doors open slowly.
I open my eyes and my father and I walk forward. I focus on walking in sync with my father for a bit until my eyes meet Wonsik's. He looks stunned but when smile as though holding back a laugh, the corners of his lips rise along with his eyebrows. Now, with both of us smiling, all we see is each other and I can't wait to be next to him. Once we're at the alter, my father kisses my cheek before taking my hand and placing it in Wonsik's. "I love you both," he says before taking a seat next to my mom.
Wonsik helps me step onto the alter with him and we stand before each other, holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. "Gorgeous," he mouths.
"I know," I reply. We smile again and I wish we could just be married already. The ceremony begins and we try to pay attention but now and then we get lost in each other's eyes. It goes way faster than I had expected and before I know it, we're saying our vows. Then our "I do's."
"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Without any hesitation, Wonsik pulls me in quickly but slowly leans in and kisses me gently. The kiss could only have lasted a couple of seconds but it felt like an eternity, full of passion and life and I the happiness I felt in that moment could not be described in words. He finally pulls away and whispers, "I love you."
"I love you too," I giggle. Only then do I remember we are in front of all our friends and family. They're all standing, clapping and cheering. We face them and wave before walking together down the aisle to the location for our photo shoot. Both of us can barely contain our joy and I hold onto his arm, smiling the whole way down.
We get to the top of a little hill with a view of the ocean behind us. The photographer had been walking ahead of us getting pictures of us the whole way. I don't wait for instructions and turn to face Wonsik. I take his hands and look into his eyes again while smiling. "We're finally married!" I shriek. I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me and spins me around. He finally puts me down but we don't let go of each other for another few seconds. When we finally break apart, we lock fingers standing side by side and I rest my head on his shoulder while holding onto his arm with my other hand. Wonsik is leaning his head toward me and we're both facing the photographer now. He's been taking pictures the whole time and takes a few shots of us the way we are now before lowering his camera and looking at us.
"You guys have been one of the easiest couples to shoot, you look so happy," he says.
I laugh and thank him. He gives us a few directions and we pose as he asks so he can get some more pictures. "Good job. Now can we get all the bridesmaids with just the bride." Wonsik kisses me before heading down the hill with the guys. The girls run up and I take a picture with each of them individually then we take a few group pictures, each time taking some cute ones and then silly ones. Once we've finished, he asks for all the groomsmen and the groom. They do the same thing I did with the the girls. The girls and I watch and laugh as the guys take their silly pictures. I enjoy watching the six of them make stupid faces and messing around almost as much as I enjoyed taking the pictures.
Once they're done, we all line up to take a bunch of group pictures with all of us. The guys line up beside Wonsik and all the girls like up beside me and we take cute, normal and silly pictures. The photographer says he's done but I stop him. "Can we take a few pictures with me and all the boys?" I ask.
"As you wish," he responds. The girls head down the hill and I take Wonsik's arm again.
"I want to be beside Rigi!" Jaehwan yells. He runs to the other side of me and smiles. Hakyeon and Taekwoon stand beside him while Hongbin and Hyuk stand beside Wonsik. We take a few normal pictures, then Jaehwan insists on aegyo. We do our best but we end up just laughing at each other the entire time. We take a few more silly pictures and finally decide we should go back and begin the reception. Wonsik and I walk behind everyone else and watch our closest friends mess around as if they were still teenagers.
As we get to the place of the reception, Wonsik and I break away from them so they can disperse in the crowd of people and then we can make our big entrance once they've riled up the crowd a little. As we wait by the doors to make out big entrance I can hear Jaehwan on the mic. "How's everyone doing tonight?!" he yells. People cheer and Wonsik and I look at each other laughing and shaking our heads. We decided to let Jaehwan introduce us since he was insisting on doing it and we figured he'd do a good job of getting everyone excited since you can't help but be happy whenever he takes the stage. He gets all the guests excited by teasing them and asking if they're ready to see us. Finally, once he's satisfied with the volume and excitement of the crowd, he yells, "introducing, Mr and Mrs Kim!"
The doors open and we dance outside, arms still interlocked and waving our free hands. We strut our way to the dance floor before the lights on us dim. "And now... For the couple's first dance," Jaehwan says lowering his voice, sounding strangely seductive. Wonsik gives him a little salute before placing a hand around my waste and pulling me into position for the dance. Our faces are only inches away, he smiles and then the music starts. We begin dancing and neither of us can hold back the random little laughs.
"Still doesn't seem quite real yet," Wonsik says, beaming.
I stand on my tippy toes and plant a kiss on his lips. "It's real," I whisper. I hear people clapping but all I can focus on is him.
"Want to hear them go nuts?" he asks.
"Do it," I chuckle. He steps back, spins me and dips me before kissing me. When he pulls me back up, I can't stop laughing and having everyone clapping and cheering only makes me laugh harder. "Always putting on the best performance, aren't you."
"You gotta make it fun for everyone," he smirks.
The song ends and we stop and face the stage where Jaehwan is. "Give a big hand to the newly weds," he says. Wonsik and I give funny little bows in every direction so thank everyone. "And now for the father daughter dance," Jaehwan says.
Wonsik takes my hand and we turn to face my dad. We meet him and my dad places his hands on Wonsik's shoulders. He smiles then hugs him. Once he pulls away, Wonsik places my hand into my fathers. We walk to the middle of the dance floor and get into position for the dance. "You look stunning. I can't believe my baby girl is all grown up and married," he smiles but his eyes look torn.
"Dad are you going to cry," I ask in a bit of shock.
"I can't promise I won't," he says.
"Don't cry because then I'll cry and it'll just be a huge mess and that's not going to be fun."
"You'll always be my baby girl and I'll cry about Wonsik taking you from me whenever I want," he answers sassily.
I laugh and look up at him. "I love you dad. No man can ever take me from you," I assure him.
"You better hope you still think that way a year from now or I'll have to just live with you two," he says.
"I'll remember that," I chuckle. We dance the rest of the time in silence. I lean my head on his shoulder and once the song ends we both take a step back but hold each other's hands.
Now his eyes are welling up with tears. "I love you," he kisses my forehead and I feel a knot in my throat.
"I love you too dad," I say as my voice cracks. We walk back to the end of the edge of the dance floor, both wiping away tears. Wonsik meets us and takes my hand. My dad pats his shoulder as we walks past to take a seat with my mom.
Wonsik and I go to the long table at the very end and sit in the middle with all the bridesmaids lined up beside me and the groomsmen beside Wonsik. At this point we're all pretty hungry and can't wait for the food. We have steak but our table is the last to be served so we spend a few minutes watching our guests be served as we smell the food and our mouths water. Once we're finally served, we dig right in. I hadn't had steak in a pretty long time so I enjoy it a little too much.
Once we finish eating, we talk a little bit until Hakyeon suddenly stands up tapping his glass with a spoon to get everyone's attention. "Good evening everybody," he starts. "I'm Hakyeon. Wonsik and I have been very close for many years now and we've had some pretty amazing experiences together, but it wasn't until the last seven years that I saw him truly happy. When Rigi moved next door to us a long time ago, she almost tore us apart." I give a toothy apologetic smile and everyone laughs. "I knew it would all end up okay but I remember how torn many of us were when they started dating. As time went on, we all came to realize that they were the perfect couple and we love them very much. To Wonsik and Rigi. May their love never die," he holds up his glass and everyone follows suit while saying, "to Wonsik and Rigi."
Jenny stand up next and picks up the other microphone. She shakily begins in English, "I have no idea what he just said... But I'm going to assume it was really cute and now I'm nervous," she laughs nervously. My mom walks to the table and takes the microphone from Hakyeon and stands to the side to translate what Jenny just said. "Thank you Mrs Park," Jenny says. With a little more confidence, Jenny begins while also taking short breaks to let my mom translate, " I've known Rigi since we were in kindergarten back in California. We grew up together so when she left, I felt really empty. She was like a sister to me and I knew she wasn't gone forever but I was so afraid I'd lose her. I was always glad whenever she called me and I remember being so jealous when I learned that she lived right next door to VIXX, a band I had been trying to get her into for so long. Then there was a bunch of drama but as she explained it, I knew her and Wonsik were in love before they even knew it. I haven't had the privilege to see their relationship grow in person but I've heard most the stories and I can say with full confidence, Rigi and Wonsik are meant to be. They're soul mates and I don't think anything will ever be able to separate them. To true love," she ends. Everyone raises their glasses again and give the toast.
I hug Jenny and thank her for the beautiful speech. I take the microphone and my mom hands Wonsik the other. We stand and face our guests. They clap for a little bit and we wait before we begin talking. "Thank you everyone for coming today, we appreciate everything all of you have done for us and we're so happy you could be here to celebrate this special day with us," I begin.
"I'm glad you guys all made it and I'm sorry for the crazy security you all had to go through in order to get here, we had a bit of an incident with some crazy fans planning on crashing our wedding. We're sorry if it was a burden and we just want to thank you again for being here and showing us love and support. We love all of you," Wonsik adds.
"Now that we've all eaten and gotten through all the speeches, let's dance!" I yell. Jaehwan instantly jumps up and takes Ellie by the wrist and drags her onto the dance floor. Many more people join and we all dance.
"Rigi!" Jungkook appears out of nowhere.
"Kookie!" I exclaim and throw my arms around him. "I'm so glad you made it. Where are the other boys?" I ask.
"They're dancing over there," he says pointing toward an awkward Namjoon trying to dance. "We didn't want to bother you earlier since you were dancing with Wonsik or your family."
"Let me go say hi to everyone," I say. We shimmy our way past everyone and get to the Bangtan boys.
"Rigi you look so pretty!" Jimin exclaims.
"Thank you oppa," I laugh.
"Congratulations," Jin says.
"Thank you Jin oppa. Thank you guys for coming!" I hug them each before asking, "was the security too crazy?"
"Not really, they recognized us and let us through," Namjoon says.
"Good, I'm glad it wasn't a burden to you," I say.
"You guys did a great job here, it looks amazing and it's been so much fun," Hoseok says without bothering to stop dancing. I laugh but we're interrupted by a voice on the stage.
"Excuse me," Hongbin says with Hakyeon, Jaehwan, Taekwoon and Hyuk all beside him. "The five of us have prepared something for the lovely couple tonight. Wonsik and Rigi, you guys have been through a lot in the past seven years and I'm glad I can say I was a part of it. This is one of our older songs, we thought it kind of represents your relationship in a way since we were always busy but Wonsik always loved you Rigi, and so did the rest of us. We love you both." They take their positions and the music starts. I know what song it is almost as soon and the instrumentals begin, it's one of my favorites: Love Letter.
Wonsik and I head towards the middle of the dance floor, we lock arms and watch as our best friends sing to us. As the song ends, Wonsik and I walk towards the end of the stage to meet them. "Thank you guys, that was beautiful," I say and they step down.
"It was Hyuk's idea. He knew it was one of your favorite songs so he wanted to perform it just for you," Hakyeon says.
"Thank you Hyukkie," I say as I pull him in for a hug.
As I see a figure run from the dance floor and leap onto the stage. "We want to perform something for Rigi and Wonsik too!" Taehyung yells.
"Taehyung! I told you to wait!" Jin scolds as he makes his way to the stage.
"It's alright Jin oppa," I laugh. He smiles at me and takes the steps up onto the stage unlike the rest of them who leap right onto the middle. Namjoon is the last to the stage and like the klutz he is, he trips as he jumps on. He tries to smoothly recover but Hoseok and Jimin instantly burst into laughter. He gives the two a look and takes a microphone.
"Good evening everybody. We're the Bangtan boys, I'm Namjoon and we worked with Rigi a while back. We didn't get to work with her for very long but she became part of our family and we're very happy to be here today to celebrate this with her. We're also going to perform one of our older songs for the couple tonight, it's called 'Just One Day.'" The boys take their positions on their chairs and begin the song. As they sing Jaehwan sings along and puts on a performance of his own just off stage. We laugh at him for a little bit but turn our attention to the stage again just before Namjoon starts his rap.
As it begins, I turn to Wonsik and rap it softly. He laughs and raps the parts he knows. The song ends and they come down the stage where we are. "Thank you guys, that was really sweet," I say.
"Thank you all for coming and for the great performance," Wonsik says.
"We couldn't decide whether we should do a slower song for you guys or do something more fun and upbeat but we thought this was more romantic and would follow the VIXX performance better," Namjoon explains.
"It was great, thank you," I say again.
"Honey, didn't you say BAP was coming?" Wonsik asks me.
"Yeah they said they would. I haven't seen them but I also haven't even seen Jenny since we dispersed on the dance floor so they could be anywhere," I reply.
"They're here," Hakyeon says. "I saw them and let them in so they didn't have to go through security."
"Oh thank you Hakyeon. I'm sure they'll turn up at any moment," I say.
As if on cue, Daehyun crashes into the glass door as he tries to step outside and is frozen in place. He laughs embarrassedly and almost everyone bursts into laughter. Daehyun wobbles outside once he gets the door open and makes his way toward us, still laughing.
"Hello Rigi," he says. I try to compose myself but I'm still doubled over laughing. "Hey.... Stop laughing at me."
"I'm sorry," I choke out. I finally stand up straight and wipe the tears from my eyes. "Long time no see, I missed you." I hug him and see Youngjae and Himchan happily leaping over with Yongguk, Jongup and Junhong right behind them. "Himchan!" I yell as I push Daehyun away.
"Rigi-ssi!" he replies as he wraps his arms around me.
"I missed you guys so much!" I say as I pull Youngjae and Junhong into the hug. Soon I'm in the middle of a 20 person group hug and I know it's not going to end soon. "This was a mistake," I groan as I'm slowly being crushed to death by the strength of 19 beautiful men and I know the only one suffering as much as I am is Taekwoon.
When they finally all let go, I finally great them and Wonsik thanks them for coming.
"We're very happy you invited us, it's an honor to celebrate this day with all of you," Himchan says.
"We also wanted to do a performance for you if that's okay?" Junhong asks.
"Of course, I'd be so grateful to you guys," I reply.
"What song would you like us to do?" Youngjae asks.
"Power!" Jaehwan screams.
"Warrior!" Taehyung yells.
"Be Happy," Wonsik and I say together. We look at each other and laugh while the six of them run up stage.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we've got one more performance for you tonight. We will be doing Be Happy upon the beautiful couple's request," Yongguk says. As the song begins and the boys start their funny little dance on stage, the rest of us shimmy our way to the dance floor. Having worked with them before, I knew the choreography to most of their songs including this one so I dance along and Jaehwan jumps beside me to try to follow the moves. He watches me and copies them well until we both start dancing randomly and doing strange moves that get all the boys laughing at us. The rest of the night we dance to the music and it seems like all out troubles have disappeared. 
"You finally going to give me that dance you promised me so long ago?" Hongbin whispers.
I turn and smile at him. I look toward the DJ and give him a signal. He takes the microphone and announces, "ladies and gentlemen, now the bride would like to dance with her six best friends individually."
"Wow... Rigi you planned this just so you can dance with me? You must really love me," Hongbin says.
I scoff and as the guests leave clear a space on the dance floor I make sure all six of them are standing together so they can move up swiftly for the dance once it's their turn. "You go last honey," I whisper to Wonsik. I take Hongbin's hand and walk to the middle of the dance floor. We get into position and I smile, "ready for this?"
"I've been ready since the day I laid eyes on you," he says. The song begins and we begin dancing slowly. "Rigi-ssi... All those years ago, why did you choose Wonsik?"
"Because.... I felt it... I thought all of you were attractive and I had a crush on each of you but there was just something about the way I felt when I was with Wonsik that was different... I felt at peace, comfortable," I respond.
"I'm glad you found each other. I hope I can be as lucky as Wonsik someday," he says.
"You'll find someone. And she'll be lucky to have you," I tell him. He smiles and reveals the dimples that melt hearts all over the world. "Thank you oppa for always taking care of me. I'm sorry for any grief I caused toward the beginning of my relationship with all of you."
"Thank you for coming into our lives Rigi. You've been a gift from above to us. We love you," he plants a small kiss on my forehead. "Thanks for the dance," he smiles and steps toward everyone else.
Hakyeon steps forward and I smile and he walks in tune with the music to meet me. "Our Rigi looks all grown up today," he says as he puts his hand on my waist and we begin dancing.
"I've always looked more grown up than you," I retort.
"Nope, our Rigi looks like a baby," he says.
"You look like a baby!" I say without thinking.
"Great comeback," he laughs.
I give pout then laugh at myself. "Oppa... Thank you for always putting up with me. I'm so lucky to have all of you."
"It's an honor to say you're my friend, we all love you very much," he replies.
"Also, thank you for everything you did for the wedding. I didn't realize how much work you put into all of this. I thought I was stressed, how did you even manage to do everything?" I ask.
"It's no big deal, I know people," he winks.
"Thank you oppa," I rest my head on his shoulder and we dance in silence for a little bit. We step back, then hug and he returns to the rest of the boys.
Hyuk steps up next and takes my hand. "I'm leading this time," he says. I laugh and put my hand on his shoulder. We dance for a little bit in silence. "Rigi-ssi... Thank you for being born."
"You're welcome," I laugh. "Hyuk, I'm sorry if I ever lead you on all those years ago. Thank you for being my friend and always staying by my side."
"I used to wish the past had gone differently but now I know I wouldn't change anything," he smiles before suddenly making a strange low pitched sound and throwing his arms around me tightly.
"Hyukkie you're going to suffocate me!" I gasp.
"Congratulations Rigi," he whispers. Without another word, he lets go, spins around and heads toward Hakyeon.
Jaehwan steps forward slowly and dramatically with his eyes closed. He quickens his pace with small, quick steps and swiftly pulls me into position. "Hello Rigi-ssi, you're looking fine tonight," he coos.
"Stop being such a creep," I laugh.
"Okay but on one condition," he replies.
"What's that..." I hesitate.
"I want to ask Ellie on a date, help me please~~," he says.
"Trust me, you don't need help," I reply nonchalantly.
"Really?!" he asks excitedly.
"Just wait until Wonsik and I leave, Hakyeon and my parents are in charge of getting everything wrapped up here after we leave and I think the party will probably go on for a little bit so you'll have some time. She'll be caught up in the romance of the night and she'll more than likely say yes," I explain.
"Okay! I'll ask her. What should I say...?" he asks.
"Don't worry about it, oppa. It sounds like you have a fun night ahead of you," I laugh.
"Not as fun as yours," he winks.
"Hey!" I hit his shoulder.
"Well aren't you having fun?! We're all having fun. What'd you think I meant," he says indignantly. I squint my eyes and give him a look to let him know I don't believe him. A smile slowly creeps on his face, "love you Rigi." He puts is hands on my head and kisses my forehead. He lets go and begins walking toward Hakyeon but when he's about halfway there, he turns around suddenly and runs toward me again. After living with these boys for 7 years, I knew what was coming. Just as he got close enough to jump, I stepped out of the way quickly and he fell on the ground.
"Aish!" he says and he hugs his knee. He looks up at me and pouts, still hugging his leg. I laugh but hold a hand out to help him up. With surprising agility, he jumps up and hugs me tightly with both arms and legs wrapped around me.
"This is exactly what I was trying to avoid," I mutter.
"You'll never get out of a Jaehwan hug," he whispers. He jumps off then scurries back to Hakyeon before I can hit him. The whole crowd still laughing, Taekwoon slowly makes his way forward.
Despite knowing him for seven years, I'm always somewhat overwhelmed by his intense eyes. "May I have this dance?" he asks with a small smile creeping onto his face.
"Of course my good sir," I reply. We take position and slowly begin dancing.
"Rigi... I know I don't talk much but I hope you know I care about you very much," he says in his soft voice.
"I know oppa. I care about you too. I want to thank you for being my friend and always putting up with me. I know I can be difficult and I was probably unbearable when we first met but I'm so lucky to have a friend like you and I cherish every moment we spend together," I reply.
"I don't regret a single moment in our relationship," he says.
"Thank you oppa." We dance in silence until the song ends.
Once it's over, he looks down at me and says, "I hope to be as lucky as Wonsik one day," and heads toward Hakyeon again. I pause for a second and smile to myself. Little does he know how lucky any girl would be to have him.
I'm lost in thought and suddenly pulled back into reality when I look up and see Wonsik right in front of me. I'm slightly startled and jump a little bit. "Did I scare you?" he asks.
"I was dazing off, I was just a little surprised to see you," I laugh.
"Was it my beauty that startled you," he jokes.
"Oh of course. How could one not be startled by the beauty of an idol every time they set eyes on one," I reply sarcastically.
"Your sarcasm is showing," he says with eyebrows raised.
"What? Where?" I say as I pretend to look around myself.
Wonsik laughs again and takes my hands. "Rigi... Thank you for being born. Thank you for your love. I love you more than anyone could ever know," he says.
I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you too. Don't ever leave me."
"I won't," he says and he wraps his arms around my waist. Once we break the embrace, the music starts and Wonsik spins me once. We dance they whole time without a word and lose ourselves in each other.
When the song ends, everyone claps and the rest of the boys come forward. "One last group hug," I say as I pull Wonsik and Hongbin in. Even Taekwoon joins the hug willingly.
Once we're no longer hugging, we keep are arms around each other as we stand in a line.
"I have a surprise for you too Rigi," Hongbin says. "Now!" he yells. Seconds later, fireworks begin flying into the sky and explode beautifully. Most are regular fireworks but a few are star or heart shaped.
"Hell yeah! Fireworks at my wedding! It couldn't get anymore cliche than this! Thank you, Hongbin," I give him a huge toothy smile and he simply gives me the huge Hongbin smile that kills. We stand side by side watching the fireworks, completely forgetting about everyone around us. Once the show is over, everyone starts dancing again and having fun on the dance floor. I lose track of time since I'm dancing with anyone and everyone, trying to make sure I see all of my guests and thank them for coming.
"Rigi, it's late. We should get to the plane," Wonsik says after what only felt like a few minutes.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"It's almost 11. We need to get to our honeymoon," he says with a small smile and wink.
"Okay let's get our stuff," I say.
"No need, it's all in the plane already," he replies. "Hakyeon is passing out sparklers to prepare for our grand exit."
"What...?" I utter. Wonsik laughs and takes me inside.
"Just wait for the signal," he says. After a few minutes and a whole lot of commotion, I hear Hakyeon whistle. Wonsik opens the doors and there are people on either side of us holding up sparklers making a path to the car. Wonsik takes my hand and begins to run through. I give out a little shriek and take off with him, laughing. I can't see who is holding any of the sparklers since I'm blinded by the light but I can hear everyone screaming and cheering. When we finally get to the car, we turn around and wave at everyone before Wonsik opens the door and I jump in. He gets in after me and we take a moment to catch our breath. We look at each other once more and let out a chuckle.
"That was perfect," I say as I lay my head on his shoulder.
"Couldn't have been better," he replies.

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