Chapter 11

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"I don't know. What do you think?"
"I think it's going to be positive."
"I'm afraid."
"Don't be. Remember, we're living for each other now. It's time to be happy again."
"You're right. You're right. I'm still a little nervous though, but like the good nervous. The same kind of nervous I was before. The nervous excitement"
"I feel the same way. Just remember, no matter what happens, we'll always have each other."
"I know... I love you..."
"I love you too... I think it's done. Are you ready?"
"I'm ready."
Slowly we walk back into the restroom and after a deep breath, we both pick up one test.
"ITS POSITIVE!" we scream in unison. I jump into his arms and he twirls me around. We call the doctor right away for make an appointment, then we call our moms.
Everything at the doctors turns out well and we decide to tell the boys right away this time. We invite them all over for dinner, which Wonsik refuses to let me prepare and does by himself. I set the table and wait at the table for the boys to arrive. When the doorbell finally rings, I rush to the door. "No running!l Wonsik calls and I dash past him.
I open the door and let the boys in. We talk, laugh and eat until Hakyeon finally explodes. "What is it?!" Everyone stops and looks at him quizzically. "I know we were invited here for a reason. Just tell us the news, I can't handle the suspense anymore."
I can't help but laugh at Hakyeon's distress. "Well I guess know is a good time to address the elephant in the room," Wonsik says as he stands up.
"Hey I'm not that big yet," I joke, then turn to Hakyeon and wink.
"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" he exclaims.
"Yup," I laugh. He jumps out of his chair and runs to my side. Just as he reaches me, he slows down, gently takes my head in his hands and kisses my forehead.
"How long have you known?" Honbin asks.
"We just found out a few days ago. The doctor said I'm about 5 weeks along. We just wanted to tell you guys early on this time," I explain.
"Congratulations!" Hyuk says.
"Thank you, Hyukkie," Wonsik and I say.
"Let us know if either of you need anything, anything at all. We'll be here," Taekwoon says.
"I'm so happy for the two of you. And like Taekwoon said, we want to be there for every step this time. Let us know if you need anything, okay?" Hongbin adds.
"Okay. Thank you guys, we know it'll be different this time, I can feel it," I smile but I can't stop the tears from flowing. Hakyeon smiles at me gently and strokes my hair. I wrap my arms around him and before I know it, we're in a big group hug. I let myself get lost in the warmth and love radiating from the six of them. "I love you guys," I whisper.
"We love you too."
We break the embrace and chatter happily while we finish our dinners. We go into the living room and watch a movie. I fall asleep leaving on Hongbin's shoulder in the middle but catch a bit of the conversation as I drift off.
"You really got yourself an amazing girl, Wonsik," Hyuk says.
"I don't know how I got so lucky," he responds.
"Is she worried?" Hakyeon asks tentatively.
"I think it's in the back of her mind but it's a risk we're both willing to take. We just want to move on, we want to be happy again," Wonsik explains.
"We'll be here to help you through everything this time," Jaehwan says. "We won't be so careless this time."
"I can't help but blame myself sometimes...." Taekwoon says. "We should have seen the signs... She probably works too hard, with all the dancing and stress from our comeback. Why didn't we see it sooner and make her stop?"
"I told her we could stop several times but you know our Rigi, she's stubborn and she wanted to keep going," Wonsik says. "I know now I should have made her stop at all costs but I can't change that now. All I can do is learn from our mistakes and move forward."
"Wonsik..." Hyuk says softly.
"What is it like?" he asks.
"What?" -----

I wake up the next morning in my bed with Wonsik beside me. "Wonsik..."
"What? What is it?" he jerks awake.
"I love you."
He smiles and lays back down, "I love you too."
The months wiz by and before either of us are even remotely prepared, my due date is only days away.
"Should we start packing?" I ask and I wobble out of the bathroom for the third time in the past hour.
"We don't have to go in for another three days," Wonsik says.
"Yeah but what if I go into labor early. We should have really packed a long time ago..." I say, mostly to myself.
"Fine," Wonsik climbs out of bed and takes out the bag we had set aside for our stuff. We take a few minutes and gather everything we'll need and throw it into the bag. As if on cue, I feel my first contraction.
"Ah," I wince.
"What? What happened? Are you okay?" Wonsik asks, worriedly.
"I think I just had my first contraction.
"What?! Already?!" he exclaims.
"Should we go to the hospital already? Or should we- ah! Hospital! Hospital. Let's go to the hospital, these contractions are already way too close together," I say.
"Okay! I got the bag, let's go," Wonsik helps me to the car and he takes off as quickly as he can.
I call my mom to let her know I'm going into labor and we were on our way to the hospital.
We rush in and they put me in a wheelchair right away. We go into the delivery room right away since I'm already almost completely dilated. After only a few minutes, the doctor tells me I'm ready and need to start pushing.
"This happened way too quickly!" I scream in pain as I clutch onto Wonsik's hand tightly. I push with all my might and but feel so weak from the pain. I stop for a second and breathe heavily.
"You're almost there, just push a little more," the doctor says.
I whimper and Wonsik strokes my head, "you can do this sweetie."
"You did this to me!" I scream at him. I clutch his hand tighter as I push again.
"We're crowning. Give me one last big push!" the doctor says. I scream as I push as hard as I can then breathe heavily as I feel the baby being pulled out of me. I lean my head back and breathe. Then I hear it... The sound of my baby crying. "It's a boy," the doctor says.
They wrap the baby up and hand him to Wonsik first. I watch as Wonsik looks at the baby with pure amazement and love in his eyes. Then he looks at me. "He's beautiful," he says. Too weak to say anything, I simply hold out my arms. Wonsik steps over to my and places the baby in my arms. "What should we name him?" Wonsik asks.
"Haneul... Let's name him Haneul," I say.
"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful baby," Wonsik says.
"Hi Haneul... I'm so happy to finally meet you. You're daddy and I have been waiting for you for a long time. We love you so, so much," I whisper to him. Just as I finish, I swear, he smiled at us.

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