Face To Face, Again!

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3rd Person View

"We're back! And we're better than ever!' A tall, humanoid Wolf would yell
"Back to get out revenge!" The Red troll would've shouted.
"We will pour every, ounce of Darkness and Dispair into this Pathetic little world!" Would scream the short, old witch.
"But if you wanna stop us. Come and get us!" The tall human like figure, with a white mask would threaten.

These aren't any ordinary, everyday people or creature. These, were the Bad End Generals! The humanoid Wolf is named, Ulric. The Red troll carrying a battle wepon is, Brute. The short, scrawny, yet deadly witch is called, Brooha. And finally, the figure wearing a white mask to cover its identity goes by the name of, Rascal.

These Generals never gave up until they gave this world a total Bad End. They try their best everyday, every night but always kept failing.
Want to Wonder why?
A team of five, brave girls stepped up to become superheroes. Not any ordinary superheroes, The Glitter Force!

The Glitter Force are amazing girls. They risk their everyday lives to protect their world from any harm prevented by the Bad End Generals.
Want to know more? Here are the girls:-

Emily, she is a lovely girl who is obsessed with the colour pink! As well as reading Fairytales. She was the first member of the Glitter Force.
Sparkling, Shining, here comes ,Glitter Lucky!

Kelsey, she is a brilliant Volleyball player. Even when she's off court, she seems wilder and enthusiastic when she's on! She was the second member.
A brilliant sun, with hot-blooded power, Glitter Sunny!

Lily, although she can be very sensitive, she is an amazing artist indeed! Since she does take her time as she draws, she gets complained at for not going any faster! But she doesn't mind, she was the thrid peice of the Glitter Force.
We want peace, Glitter Peace!

April, Miss Speedy is you'd ask me. She's one of the fastest runners the School has! She's captain for every team! And sometimes, faster than some boys too! The fourth person to join!
A force, that is always strong, Glitter Spring!

Chloe, Student-Vice President of the school, a girl who is in every club in school, the one who always gets a perfect grade. She's perfect, and has been chosen to become the last, and final piece of the Glitter Force!
A beautiful heart, bringing joy to everyone, Glitter Breeze!

Together with these five girls united, they can become unstoppable! So powerful, they've defeated the Bad End Generals and have banished them away to a far away land, where they all agreed and believed they won't do any harm to this world no longer. But little did they know, the Generals follow every step the make...

(Author's Note)
Right, just to you all know. This is just a sort of introductory chapter. Sort of going into the plot line, sort of describing the characters.
Next chapter will be more interesting!

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