Get Ready!!

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"La, la, la~" Emily sung as she skipped through the park with her friends. They were all hanging around to try and not think about the battle.

In the park, Kelsey and April were having a match of soccer against one another. "You're going down!" Kelsey threatened.
April smirked, "Not if I score my goal first!" Kelsey was confused by what she ment. April giggled and told her to look in the goals. There was April's ball.
"Wh-What?! No fair!" Kelsey shouted. April was just laughing.

On a near by bench, Chloe and Lily sat together. Lily was drawing something. She pulled her knees to her chest so no one saw what she was drawing. Chloe was reading some books from the school. "Hey Chloe?" Lily asked her, not taking her eyes off the sketch.
Chloe too wasn't taking her eyes off her book, "Yes Lily?"
"Do you think we're ever going to go face to face with the Generals ever again?"
"Umm..." Chloe hesitated, "Well...Umm. I kind of do... And I kind of don't... Why ask?"
Lily also hesitated, "Oh, Umm. I just wanted to know if I was the only one who actually wants to...see them again.."

Chloe closed her book and glanced over at Lily, "Well..." She released a giggle, "You're not alone!"
Lily also giggled, "Hey wanna see my drawing?"
Lily turned the pad around revealing a face~Shot of a Humanoid Wolf. Ulric!
"Oh my.. That's great Lily!"
"I know! I love him so much!" Lily announced, but then whispered to Chloe, "But seriously, don't tell Emily I said that.."

Emily began to make way back to the girls with Candy. "Wow Emily! That was fun!" Candy cheered.
Emily giggled, "Yeah! I like to have morning walks!" Candy and Emily giggled.

"Hey girls!" Emily and Candy both greeted with unison.
"Hey Em!" The girls greeted back.
Emily sat down on a patch of grass close to the girls, "Everything okay? Nothing happening?"
"No..!" Kelsey and April cheered.
"It's been great!" Lily and Chloe both said.

Emily smiled, "Well that's great!"
She stood there for a while until, "Watch out!" April shouted but it was too late, Emily got hit by the ball, "AAHH!!"
"Oh, Umm. Sorry Em!" Kelsey apologised, making way over to her. Same with April.
Chloe and Lily also came over, "Oh Goodness!" Chloe said.
"Are you okay?" Lily and Candy asked with concern.
Emily sat up and touched her head, "Yeah I..I'm fine... Uugh.. I'm going to l..lay down..."

April carried her over to a bench and rested her there. "Okay?" April asked.
"Yep, thanks girls..." Emily thanked. The other girls laughed.

April looked down at her watch, "Well, I should be heading home." She began to collect her stuff, "I still have little brothers and sisters to feed."
"Yeah, I think I have to do home cooking as well." Kelsey recalled.
"And, of course, I have to go home to study." Chloe said.
Emily sighed, "Okay girls. See you tomorrow!" Emily waved, the three girls waved back and began to walk in their separate directions.

"Umm, Lily? Are you going to go soon?" Candyasked.
Lily giggled, "No Silly! I'm going to stay with you and Emily for a while. But I think we should go home. Mind if I tag along?"
Emily grinned, "Of Course! Let's go!" So then Emily, Candy and Lily raced down to Emily's house.


The noise made as the four creatures arrived to earth. The Bad End Generals have made it to earth.

"It's about time we got here!" Ulric announced.
Brute chuckled, "And I don't see the Glitter Force anywhere!"
"Neither do I!" Brooha hissed.

"Now now Generals, calm down." As they were speaking, Rascal held a three orbs in front of them. "Let's split up and find them...Since it's getting dark, they're probably home."

Ulric snatched the blue one, "What are these for?"
Rascal answered, "These?" He snickered, "Why don't you find out yourself... Just simply suck in the Bad Energy around you and, let it do the rest."

Brooha grabbed hold of the green orb and Brute grabbed the Red orb.
"Let's go hunt down some Glitters." Brute yelled. They all evilly laughed and split up in different directions.

"Watch out Glitter Force! We're back and better than ever!"

(Author's Note)
Yay! I'm loving this SOOO much!
So what I was thinkig to do is to,
One fight per chapter, so:-
Ulric Vs. Lucky, Peace
Brute Vs. Sunny
Brooha Vs. Spring
Rascal Vs. Breeze
They're all gonna be separate chappys.

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