Chapter 10- Confessing

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Three weeks into meeting and moving in with the NEETS...

It was another peaceful morning, surprisingly, and you snuggled under your covers sleeping the day away. Considering it was the day before you go back to work you wanted to be lazy today. If only your cellphone didn't blast out the ringtone. You groaned and whined and grabbed the device to shut it up. You checked the screen, of course squinting because of the light in your eyes, and saw that it was your father.

"Hello." You groaned out.

"(Y/N)-chaaaan! How's my cute little daughter this morning!" Your father's screeched through the other line. You flinched and rubbed your ear.

'Chan? Chan?! Where did the chan come from?!' You thought, but shook off the thoughts.

"Annoyed, I was sleeping dad." You deadpanned.

"Oh! I'm sorry snuggle bug! I just wanted to call and see how you're doing! And those boys they didn't do anything to you right?! You still have your innocence right?!" Your dad started ranting and threatening the sextuplets. You were sure he earned weird stares from people.

"What?! Dad what do you mean by that?! Calm down!" You half-yelled into the phone.

"I'm sorryyyy!" He cried and you sighed. (Rhyme!)

"But I'm fine dad nothing bad's going on. How's the job going?" You asked.

"It's going so well, I'm just sad that it'll be a long time before I get to see my cute wittle girl again." He cooed (your dad must be part pigeon). You sweat dropped and became embarrassed again, no matter where or when your father will always make you feel embarrassed.

"I'm 22 dad." You said.

"Don't remind me! You're still little to me!" He responded.

"But (Y/N) you remember what day it is?" He asked.

"The day as in the date?" You asked confused, remember you're still sleepy.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's the 14th in Japan today right?" He said (random date is random).

"The 14th...?" You trailed off and then you remembered a solemn look on your face.

"It's the 14th already?" (Let's just say you moved in at the end of last month.) You asked, mostly to yourself.

"You alright sweetie?" Your dad asked concerned.

"Uh, yeah I'm good. I'm just a little bummed that I don't get to visit her this year." You said.

"Well later we'll make some time and catch a flight to America." He suggested which made you smile.

"Someday maybe." You said.

"Ahh the train stop's here already? I should go I've got to walk to my meeting. You're really ok snuggle bug?" He asked.

"Yeah dad I'm telling you I'm fine." You said a little annoyed.

"Alright then bye bye! I love you!" He exclaimed before hanging up.
You sighed once more before stretching and getting ready for the day. You put on the necklace and turned to your mom's photo.

"It's May 14th today you know, your birthday. It's kinda ironic actually the day you were born is the day you left." You said sadly.

You got your laptop and decided to message your friends.
'Well it's the weekend so they shouldn't be in work or school.' You thought.

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(Your name): Hey guys what's up? Are you asleep or awake?

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