Chapter 17- Haunting Part 3

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Your group somehow revived the fainted Chibita, and started moving out of the living room.
"I really want to leave now." You said.
"At this point I would need a bottle of vodka to forget this night." Osomatsu commented.

You all walked until Todomatsu spotted some shadowy figures out of the corner of his eye. A wide smile suddenly appeared from the shadows making him jump. He shrieked once more and hid behind Choromatsu.
"Dear God Totty, your shriek beats any girls by far." Osomatsu said while picking his ear with his finger.

"Totty!" A very peppy voice exclaimed.

"Jyushimatsu?!" Choromatsu shined the flashlight on his face showing the face of the sunshine. Or since this is a horror situation the face of creepiness.
"Yoo-hoo! Ichimatsu-nii san, Karamatsu-nii san! Found them!" He called and both brothers revealed themselves from the shadows.

"Ichimatsu-san! Karamatsu-san! You're safe!" You exclaimed relieved.

"Heh I have come back to you Karamatsu gi-"

"We were searching for you guys." Ichimatsu cut off Karamatsu from his painful line.

"Did, uh, you see anything weird?" You asked.

"Weird how?" Ichimatsu asked.

"This place is freaking haunted, we even saw this scary ass ghost on the upper floor!" Osomatsu exclaimed while the other three looked at him like he was crazy.

"As much as I want to disagree with this idjit, I saw the same sort of figure damn it." Chibita said.

"The same one that made you faint like an old lady?" Osomatsu asked.

"Shut up you idjit damn it!" Chibita yelled at him.

"So now all we're missing is-"

"GUYS!!" You all heard Yuna scream. As if on cue she and Totoko came running into the room.
"Speak of the devil." Ichimatsu said.

"Guys we need to get out of here now!" Yuna exclaimed.

"You don't say?!" You yelled at her with a vein popping on your forehead.

"No seriously, something about this place is really fucked up!" She exclaimed.

"We kinda figured that out already." Choromatsu said.

"Here read this!" She threw the journal to you. All of you gathered around reading the different entries.

"I thought you dropped that?" Totoko asked.
"I went back and picked it up." Yuna shrugged.

Once you got to the later entries, all of your eyes widened and adrenaline started pumping in your veins.
"I did the deed? What's that mean?" Jyushimatsu asked.

"You don't need to know that. Yuna's right we need to find a way out." You said.

"But the door's locked." Todomatsu said.
"Did we ever try the windows?" Choromatsu asked. You all remained quiet for a minute before groaning simultaneously.

"I'm surprised you didn't, there's a ton of windows in here." The author remarked.

"Whatever! Come on we need to leave now!" You exclaimed.

"Wait, we forgot Iyami, Dekapan, and Dayon!" Chibita declared.

"Well, they could make a perfect sacrifice." Osomatsu said and Choromatsu smacked his head. Suddenly a loud "SHEEEEEHHH!" along with two other screams echoed throughout the first floor.

"That was them!" Choromatsu exclaimed. You all made way towards another room, what looked like a den. You saw the three supporting characters standing there white as a sheet.

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